我倒想算算整场辩论中麦凯恩提了多少次里根的名字,我听到的就至少有四五次。我承认麦凯恩有能力有民望,但要自比里根,那还远远轮不到。我不支持保守主义,但很敬仰里根,而麦凯恩从头到尾就不在一个档次上。像他这样三番五次抬里根的名字出来,让我觉得很反感,还有就是可笑。我套用88年本森对奎尔的一句话: "Senator, you are no Ronald Reagan!"
Former President Bill Clinton: “I think the responsibility that the Democrats have may rest more in resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress, or by me when I was President, to put some standards and tighten up a little on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.” (ABC’s “Good Morning America,” 9/25/08)
中的可观部分(2成)拨给一些政治组织,其中包括ACORN (Association of
Community Organizations for Reform Now,社区组织改革协会)。ACORN是一个专门
For the same reasons that you said, I vote for McCain-Palin, for the same reasons, I ask all Chinese American to wake up and support our hero who will fight what is right for all American and stand up against his own party. For the same reasons, I hope all women to vote for Palin, for she is a real deal, not a taker, for the same reasons, let's keep extreme left wingers out of Washington DC, let the people take over what belongs to people.
For the same reasons, let's say no to Obama on the election day.
Qiqimi 发表评论于
谢谢你的担心。 奥巴马和我们,他的自愿者们,都是被这个国家利用的器皿。 他为这个美国梦想付出他所能付出。 我们为这个美国梦想付出我们能付出。 不存在谁利用谁。 虽然这不是我们的祖国, 但是是我们儿女的国家,我们希望这个美国梦不会在我们这一代熄灭. 我们会留给儿女们一个仍然可以实现梦想的国家。 你知道我为什么可以信任奥巴马: 因为我看到他和他妻子对他们女儿们的教育和爱, 因为我理解在这个爱背后那无限的动力,是留给我们的 儿女们一个更好的国家, 一个更好的世界。 没有为人父母, 很难理解我所说的大道理。但是聪明的人,不需要经历所有的事也可以悟出一些。You know what you can do to help during the next 40 days? You can donate or volunteer for Obama by doing so at his website. You can encourage your friends and relatives to register to vote for him as early as October. You can be the instrument who makes a difference for better, obviously not for the worst---If MaCain/Palin/Bush is re-elected for the third time? I don't now about you, I will have to leave this country, for real this time.
noso 发表评论于
well said indeed.
谁说非得注册 发表评论于
noso 发表评论于
ZT by Gaolin
I had the same thought as you just a year ago. But when I study more during this election, I have really opened my eyes to those democrats hypocrits!
1. War - historically, it was democratic presidents started the war - korean war, vienam War. The current war at Iraq is a must for US, imho, after the attack by Islamic terrirists. US ecomonics was weaking as more and more jobs moved out to other countries, while domestic spending was out of roof. The Iraq war kept US dominant position in world, and kept US dollar as world currency. I don't know how long it will last, and Russian is pushing Ruble now in Europe. Saddam wanted Eurp as currency for oil, and that sentensed his death.
2. Tax - you really need to think about this more. How can raising tax reduce the difference between rich and poor? The US tax is too high already, and business sees less and less profit in US (the labor unions do not help either). So compaines do not want to set-up manufacturing plants in US any more. Which means people lost their jobs, and they become poorer and poorer. Frankly, the democrats leaders are playing with working class people's emotion, and once they get elected, their policy will destroy the ecomocis, and leave more and more people in poverty.
3. Environmental - these measurement by the extreme environmentalists has really hindered the US ecomony. I am a engineer and I can tell you how stupid some of those regulations are. BTW, since you are majoring in environmental protection, correct me if I am wrong here in my opinion regarding the "global warming" - I heard there was no hard "proof" about the GGE, and scientists have spent quite a lot of time to try to find a "hot spot" in atmosphere - predicted by GGE model. But never could find such place. I worked for biofuel for some years before, and I know the professors and researchers in the national labs over-emphasis their area of study to get fund. Biofuel, especially bio-ethanol in US, is not practical for many reasons, and corn over-planting has caused lots of problems - underground water, soil detiriorating, and dead-zone alone the sea-shore (Mississipi river). I believe the current study on global warming is not convincing, and some researchers over-stated to try to get funding for their area of study. I read somewhere that record temperature in lots of US cities were about 80-120 years ago, way before human used lots of gasoline.
Al Gore advocated the theory and made himself much richer. But he is a typically hypocrits. He is used around 20 times more energy at home than average househood. He flies private jet around the country and rarely takes commercial airplane. One story about him giving half an hour speech, while his limo still running (AC) all the time waiting for him at a perfect temperature. He doese not concern about gas & CO2 when it will affect a little bit of his life. How will you trush him talking about "we need to stand together and act now"?
Al Gore's moview has lots of fraud. His famous temperature chart failed to get the Y-axis right.
Same hypocricy goes to Obama. This guy always emphasis "taking care of poors" etc. The truth is Obama has never done anything to help poors in Chicago, even he has the ability to make a difference. He buddies with most corrupted business men and politicans and advanced his career pretty good. He made millions and millions of dollars after became Senator. Obama has never risk anything to help people, to fight for people's cause. On the contrary, Mccain had at least put his life and career on the line for this country.
第二税收,我觉得你应该先弄明白一对工作夫妇每年可以放多少在养老金里,再来指责有些人不想为国家作贡献。你是学生理想主义者,就像我几年前也是,觉得国家投资在教育和医疗上总是有普济效果的。问题第一,你觉得民主党会把税收都投资在教育和医疗上,这是你的天真理想,看看每年国会有多少earmakr project spending, 还有各种福利补贴,wasteful pet projects, 就知道这只是民主党圈钱的一个谎言;第二让中央政府来投资教育和医疗是不是最有效的?有一个关于教育的例子是,在亚利桑拉州的公立学校每个学生每年平均花费政府投入6千多元,但一般的私立学校学杂费每年只需要5千元,而教育质量后者要远远好于前者。从全国来看,得到政府投入最多的学区往往是教学质量最差,和最多学校腐败的,如DC, New York. 家长们只看到公立学校是免费的,却不知道在这免费背后是他们花了远远多的税收的钱。
To noso:
In one of interview on Sept 20, he says"
"But I do not believe that we can make conditions for the opening of negotiations. We ought, however, to be very clear about the content of negotiations and work it out with other countries and with our own government.
Dr. Kissinger was referring to negotiations with Iran
Senso asks: negotiation "put at a very high level right out of the box?"
Initially, yes. And I always believed that the best way to begin a negotiation is to tell the other side exactly what you have in mind and what you are -- what the outcome is that you're trying to achieve so that they have something that they can react to. Now, the permanent members of the Security Council, plus Japan and Germany, have all said nuclear weapons in Iran are unacceptable. They've never explained what they mean by this. So if we go into a negotiation, we ought to have a clear understanding of what is it we're trying to prevent. What is it going to do if we can't achieve what we're talking about?
Obama will not become the president of USA. If he would that will be the true nightmire for the entire nation. Please use your brain (if it is not damaged) to think before you vote.
Qiqimi 发表评论于
Dear intelligent people, please don't try to debate with Ms. noso. He is not a voter we can win. I was a volunteer for Obama. We went through many republican and democratic neighborhoods and we did not waste time to convince the absolute MaCain/Palin voters. We focused our energy and conversations to win the independent and the democratic voters who have their open minds and hearts for this country. I met so many "absolutely angry" MaCain voters during my campaign trip. You know why they are so angry? Because they know in their deep beings that this country is falling, the war in Iraq is losing, the money in their pockets is shrinking, and McCain/Palin are not the remedy. Good bye, Ms. noso. I wish that you will not lose your temper when Obama becomes the president of the USA.
noso 发表评论于
Kissinger: Obama Was Wrong
Sunday, September 28, 2008 11:06 AM
Article Font Size
During Friday night's presidential debate, Barack Obama claimed that one of John McCain's advisers, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, supported his view that the U.S. president should meet with Iran's president and other rogue dictators without preconditions.
The point made McCain livid, as he repeatedly pointed out that Kissinger, his friend of 35 years, would never back such a dangerous position.
McCain turned out to be right.
Kissinger released a statement immediately after the debate. It read:
"Sen. McCain is right. I would not recommend the next president of the United States engage in talks with Iran at the presidential level."
"Look, I'll sit down with anybody, but there's got to be preconditions," McCain said during the debate. He painted Obama's previously stated position as reckless and naive.
noso 发表评论于
Father: Obama Was Asked Not to Mention Bracelet
Sunday, September 28, 2008 4:49 PM
By: Phil Brennan Article Font Size
During Friday’s presidential debate, Sen. Barack Obama, a strong foe of the Iraq war, displayed a bracelet bearing the name of Sgt. Ryan David Jopek.
Obama made reference to his bracelet to one-up Sen. John McCain after the Arizona senator had shown a similar bracelet honoring the late Matthew Stanley, also killed in Iraq.
But Jopek’s father says his ex-wife had asked Obama to stop using the bracelet as a publicity stunt.
McCain raised the issue when he told Friday's audience that at a town-hall meeting in Wolfeboro, N.H., a woman stood up and said, “‘Senator McCain, I want you to do me the honor of wearing a bracelet with my son's name on it. He was 22 years old and he was killed in combat outside of Baghdad, Matthew Stanley, before Christmas last year. This was last August, a year ago.’ And I said, 'I will -- I will wear his bracelet with honor.'”
Obama quickly responded by holding up his wrist. "I’ve got a bracelet, too," he said, "From the mother of Sergeant Ryan David Jopek, given to me in Green Bay. She asked me, 'Can you please make sure another mother is not going through what I'm going through?'”
Bur NewsBusters.org reported that Jopek’s father, Brian, told Wisconsin Public Radio that his ex-wife had misgivings about Obama wearing the bracelet.
According to a tran of Brian Jopek's radio interview, he said: "From what I understood from e-mail exchanges with Tracy … she wanted to put a name, she wanted Sen. Obama to know Ryan's name. … She wasn't looking to turn it into a big media event. … She just wanted it to be something between Barack Obama and herself.”
He went on to say his ex-wife is supporting Obama "because of some of the negative feedback she’s gotten on the Internet, you know Internet blogs, you know people accusing her of … or accusing Obama of trying to get votes doing it … and that sort of thing, she has turned down any subsequent interviews with the media because she just didn’t, she just didn't want it to get turned into something that it wasn’t.
"She had told me that in an e-mail that she had asked, actually asked Mr. Obama to not wear the bracelet anymore at any of his public appearances."
Gov. Blunt Statement on Obama Campaign’s Abusive Use of Missouri Law Enforcement
JEFFERSON CITY - Gov. Matt Blunt today issued the following statement on news reports that have exposed plans by U.S. Senator Barack Obama to use Missouri law enforcement to threaten and intimidate his critics.
“St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch, St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, Jefferson County Sheriff Glenn Boyer, and Obama and the leader of his Missouri campaign Senator Claire McCaskill have attached the stench of police state tactics to the Obama-Biden campaign.
“What Senator Obama and his helpers are doing is scandalous beyond words, the party that claims to be the party of Thomas Jefferson is abusing the justice system and offices of public trust to silence political criticism with threats of prosecution and criminal punishment.
“This abuse of the law for intimidation insults the most sacred principles and ideals of Jefferson. I can think of nothing more offensive to Jefferson’s thinking than using the power of the state to deprive Americans of their civil rights. The only conceivable purpose of Messrs. McCulloch, Obama and the others is to frighten people away from expressing themselves, to chill free and open debate, to suppress support and donations to conservative organizations targeted by this anti-civil rights, to strangle criticism of Mr. Obama, to suppress ads about his support of higher taxes, and to choke out criticism on television, radio, the Internet, blogs, e-mail and daily conversation about the election.
“Barack Obama needs to grow up. Leftist blogs and others in the press constantly say false things about me and my family. Usually, we ignore false and scurrilous accusations because the purveyors have no credibility. When necessary, we refute them. Enlisting Missouri law enforcement to intimidate people and kill free debate is reminiscent of the Sedition Acts - not a free society.”
After thinking about this for awhile I still come back to this:
1. Funny what 4 years can do, John McCain was John Kerry's first choice for his running mate, hmmm good enough for the Democrats 4 years ago but now Bush reincarnated.
2. Our current president had no real experience and look where we are today. I didn't vote for Bush the first time around because he was inexperienced, being the son of a former President does not make you qualified especially when the people you listen to are Cheney and Rumsfeld. Now Obama has even less experience then Bush had, who will he listen to, who will be pulling the strings. It won't be Obama he is strickly the front man for the Democratic party. A rubber stamp for Pelosi and Reed to pass through every bill they please. NO it comes down to experience. I am not a fan of McCain but at least he stood up to the Republican party at times wand was a thorn in Bush's side. Enough of a thorn and a free thinker to earn the respect of the Democratic candidate for president 4 years ago. I am sick of race being the only reason if Obama loses. Wow maybe there is another reason he could lose, not qualified. Being a good speaker does not make you qualified al it means is you can recite the speeches that were written for you. Let's see his record 4 years from now after a full term in the senate before we elect him to the presidency. I have no problem voting for a woman, a black man, a white man or any other race just not Obama. He did nothing in the Illinois state house, got elected to the US senate because of the Jack Ryan scandal and has done nothing in the US Senate. This record does not make him qualified, wake up lets get off the race issue and focus on the experience issue. An articulate speaker with no track record does not make him qualified.
jlc 发表评论于
"93%的黑人选Obama,确实有一部分是因为他是黑人,但也有很多黑人就像其他人种一样支持Obama的策略。" 我说93% vs HRC, 他们策略几乎一样。OB 就是靠黑人,极左人士,利用 反战(这是他不同与HRC的唯一策略)赢的 初选。 要他是白人,早玩了。
“bill clinton以前不也得到了很多黑人选票吗?要不要我给你详细的说一下谁是Jessie Jackson?” Jessie Jackson 大败bill clinton 赢了SC 说明 什么?
“我看你看FOX NEWS看多了”,重来不看。
lianggeren 发表评论于
Well, here is the reply from you:
" I have no sexual relationship with that woman"? come on.
-- COME ON...Do you think you have double standard???
I would love to talk about MaCain's economic policy...but it is the identical one with GW Bush... look at what's happening now...the most serious economic crisis after the great depression... it IS the result after 8year Republican government??? Do you still want another 4???
noso 发表评论于
The discussion on this topic is out of your league. I suggest you read more about Obama on drug and why he was involved with extremed left wing group and his 20 year association with his church that hates America.
I rather answer others' challenging comment.
noso 发表评论于
I don't believe what the pro-obama media says, and yes, I support McCain.
lianggeren 发表评论于
to noso: 您还是没有回答我的问题,关于麦凯恩的私事您真的没有听说。
you still believe in Repulicans as they have done wonderful job in economy??? are you kidding????
奧巴馬在他的競選自傳書《父親遺夢》(Dreams from My Father)中說,他讀書時就很注意交朋友,但他交的都是些什麼朋友呢?他的朋友很多是信仰馬克思主義的教授,極端女權主義者(相信性解放,女人不要家庭等),以及一些頹廢的搖滾樂推動者,以及黑人民權學生。奧巴馬的母親是白人,他實際上是在白人社區長大,但他一心想要回歸黑人,但很多時候,黑人在爭權過程中會有點走過頭的傾向,例如提倡仇視白人的言論、反主流文明。所以奧巴馬加入Wright領導的教會就不足為奇了。
美國六十年代的一些激進學生不惜提倡用暴力手段來結束越戰。這些人的出發點雖然可嘉,但手段卻是恐怖分子的行為。芝加哥有兩個著名訴求暴力手段的反戰分子,為 William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn,曾因暴力反戰被判刑。而奧巴馬則是他們關系很深的朋友。這兩人為奧巴馬在芝加哥的從政鋪平了道路。而在美國政治辭典里,芝加哥幾乎是腐敗的代名詞。
他妻子Michelle最近也被認為是個反美國主流價值的人,因為她說︰“For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country.”(長到這麼大,我第一次真的為自己的國家自豪。)因為自己的丈夫要當美國總統了才覺得當美國人自豪,那麼以前呢?大家的印象當然會是她是一個反美國主流價值的黑人。
奧巴馬做了幾年的參議員,他的投票記錄都顯示他是一個極端的自由派人士,例如他反對任何限制墮胎的條款。在美國,雖然人們認為婦女有墮胎的權力,但也同時認為胎兒就是生命了,所以雖然可以墮,但條件還是蠻嚴的,一般情況下,只有是因女性遭遇了強奸而懷孕,亂倫,或母親生命垂危的情況下可以墮胎,否則的話墮胎是種犯罪,至少是種倫理上的犯罪。但是奧巴馬卻不把懷孕當回事,他說,如果他的女兒過早懷孕,“ 我不想讓我的女兒遭到有小孩的懲罰。”(I don’t want them punished with a baby.)美國的政客一個個都是baby-kissser,要表明自己喜歡孩子,但奧巴馬卻將小孩視為懲罰,這言論也真是驚世駭俗了。所以大多數民主黨候選人會把自己標榜為經濟上為自由派人士,但在社會價值觀上則屬保守派(economically liberal, but socially conservative),只有這樣才能當選。
““What Senator Obama and his helpers are doing is scandalous beyond words,
the party that claims to be the party of Thomas Jefferson is abusing the
justice system and offices of public trust to silence political criticism
with threats of prosecution and criminal punishment.”
《Gov. Blunt Statement on Obama Campaign’s Abusive Use of Missouri Law
Liberals 的诽谤会比 conservatives 多得多。
在密苏里用警方人员配合 Obama 的TRUTH SQUAD 清除异己.
违反宪法第一修正案: 言论自由.
BY FishingRod :
by wyler :
noso 发表评论于
To me, W has become the new leader of Democratic Party.
" I have no sexual relationship with that woman"? come on.
Compare with GW, we would rather have a president screwing around women and not messing up the country. GW, might be loyal to his wife, but screwed up the whole country.
" I have no sexual relationship with that woman"? come on.
789654 发表评论于
律师能当总统, 克林顿就是一个例子。
hurry11 发表评论于
我是中间派,but my English is poor.
Could you show my friends and me about
奥巴马 and 麦肯第一次辩论whole Chinese?
We can't understand what 奥巴马 and 麦肯 said since we pasted the U.S. citizen test,we have stoped to learn English again.
Thank you very much!!!
noso 发表评论于
jlc 发表评论于
Obama said above during a anti-war demo (during time he was running for state senetor) in Chicago where democrats are very popular, but he said pro war too. he claim he is anti war from start.
He claim he learn a lot from his father, the truth is he met his father several time total. His father has wife in Africa while married this white girl. this white girl married other black after OB's father went to Africa.
His father later called double dible because of he is drunk to much.
above from NPR. I am for HRC.
Ob got his state senetor by disqualified other demo (his mentor). not through competation.
he always say both way. he has both whenever it is good for him.