天天听着花样翻新的金融新闻,读着网上网下各种分析,想着政府救市的钱不过是在大桶里掉了一滴水,真吓得心惊胆颤。 这加快马力印票子可不是好玩的。TNND,几个月前就想买纸上黄金,俺还没动手它就翻身了。
看着唾沫横飞的主持人们动不动就把个万亿 挂在嘴边上,搞得我好奇这trillion之后是啥数字单位?zillion? 有多少个零啊?
Million, Billion, Trillion...
© Copyright 1999, Jim Loy
People sometimes ask me the names of the large numbers. Here is a table. The system used in the U.S. is not as logical as that used in other countries (like Great Britain, France, and Germany). In these other countries, a billion (bi meaning two) has twice as many zeros as a million, and a trillion (tri meaning three) has three times as many zeros as a million, etc. But the scientific community seems to use the American system.
Number of zeros | U.S. & scientific community | Other countries |
3 | thousand | thousand |
6 | million | million |
9 | billion | 1000 million (1 milliard) |
12 | trillion | billion |
15 | quadrillion | 1000 billion |
18 | quintillion | trillion |
21 | sextillion | 1000 trillion |
24 | septillion | quadrillion |
27 | octillion | 1000 quadrillion |
30 | nonillion | quintillion |
33 | decillion | 1000 quintillion |
36 | undecillion | sextillion |
39 | duodecillion | 1000 sextillion |
42 | tredecillion | septillion |
45 | quattuordecillion | 1000 septillion |
48 | quindecillion | octillion |
51 | sexdecillion | 1000 octillion |
54 | septendecillion | nonillion |
57 | octodecillion | 1000 nonillion |
60 | novemdecillion | decillion |
63 | vigintillion | 1000 decillion |
66 - 120 | undecillion - vigintillion | |
303 | centillion | |
600 | centillion |