
在Linderhof 城堡门口等候参观的时候,边上有个小姑娘,盯着我看,眼睛一眨都不眨,我朝她笑笑,她很严肃地继续盯着我看,也许是在她小小的世界里,还没有见过亚洲的面孔?


落花飘零 发表评论于
纵然平行,sorry i am getting lazy, too many pictures and i also like to attach information with the pictures which takes me extra time, i just posted some pictures from linderhof, will write about my tour later.
纵然平行 发表评论于
I think that I might know why the little girl was staring at you. It was because there was a smudge of chocolate pudding left somewhere on the face from your Frühstück (breakfast), She was just debating herself how to inform you without causing public embracement -:).

Ok, I am kidding you. But, seriously, something in that context did took place on my trip in German. One morning, I was standing on a long line at a popular local coffee shop to get my daily fix, I noticed that quite few of pretty foxy German girls in the shop flicked smiles at me without apparent reasons, I thought I was cutely addressed that day (I know chicks digs in guys with some fashion senses). As I was enjoying the attentions from the ladies, a little girl ,about two years old , who was following her mother in front of me pulled my shirt. To be polite, I bended down and said to her “Guten Tag! Können Sie mir helfen? ” she replied with a greeting , then she whispered to my ear something about “konfitüre” . My German was poor ,but I know the word “konfitüre” means “jelly” in English. Suddenly, my face was flushed with redness. I realized what had happened to me . I felt terrible because , for about one hour , I "wore" mark on my face , yet, walked around on the street and in the shop as if nothing had happened.

The funny part was that the smear of color on my cheek was not from “jelly”, it was actually my gf’s lip print . Anyway, the litter girl’s kindness and honesty rescued me from my further humiliation -:).

Back the castle, where are the pics you took at Linderof ? In my mind, this palace was really vibrant with colors, textures and motions. For example, the sculptures of “Flora and puttos” , “Fama” and “Neptune” did a great justice in terms of “grace” and “strength“. I hope you wouldn’t overlook them since such omission would be constituted to be “guilty” even you did not break any laws -:).

P,S I am not mean or malicious to you, just hoping you laugh a bit more.

Aprilwind 发表评论于

Bali 发表评论于
What a little cute serious face :-)

You were 29 when I first read your blog. Time flies... Best wishes for your 31st year...
sunshadow 发表评论于
改天我找出我小时候的照片给你看看~~~ 呵呵~~~
落花飘零 发表评论于
sunshadow 发表评论于
哎哎~ 有点点像我小时候哦~~~
落花飘零 发表评论于
spacespirit 发表评论于

我很喜欢你的BLOG. 有的时候想起来就来看一看. 很有意思. 我在国内曾经做过医生, 有一些感受和心里历程和你的比较相似, 有了共鸣,所以喜欢读你的BLOG. 我也喜欢安静的地方, 也喜欢瓶瓶罐罐的东西. 呵呵, 都是年龄相仿的女孩子嘛.

我有的时候也看看其他朋友的留言, 有的朋友以为你还是单身. 但是我觉得你已经结婚了但是在两地分居. 你这个BLOG很明显的是给自己的心灵一个纯粹的空间和出口. 不是吗?

不论怎样, 你都是一个人好女孩, 有内容的女子.
流沙随风 发表评论于

dadaland 发表评论于