今天8黑同志终于开始了他kindergarten生涯。After school还没搞定,非常之头大。
Dear Parent:
Here is a little “gift” for you as you leave your precious little one with me on their first day of kindergarten.
As you hold this cotton ball in your hand, the softness will help you remember the gentle spirit of your child. After you’ve gone home and dried your tears, have a nice hot cup of tea. Put your feet up and relax a bit.
Remember that together, you and I will work for your child to be the very best that they can be. Thank you for entrusting your child to me for the coming school year. I will do my best every day to be your child’s guide in learning and exploring this bright new world they’ve stepped into.
Sincerely, Mrs. M.
看大家想念8黑得紧,特奉上最新出炉露点照——今天无意中听到他跟人聊天:cats are girls because they are always meow~ meow~ meow~(捏出很娇嗲的声音),俺老人家差点笑晕。