2008北京残奥会开幕式CCTV-HD版高清晰视频下载1.4GB (MU)

聚焦开幕式 残奥会开幕式先入场再表演 刘德华韩红唱主题曲  北京残奥今晚开幕时长近3小时(视频1小时32分, 删除了代表团入场) 绚丽节目流程揭秘残奥开幕式五大看点:点火方式精彩 手语舞蹈壮观 残奥会开幕式烟花揭密 鸟巢上空将现“宇宙星空”.


中华人民共和国主席 国际残奥委会主席入场

倒计时短片 Count Down

升中华人民共和国国旗唱中华人民共和国国歌 The national anthem of the People's Republic of China

欢迎焰火 Fireworks

欢迎仪式《我的跑道》Rainbow Running Track

代表团入场 (已删除) Parade of Nations

文艺演出《和梦一起飞》Art Performance: Flying with the Dream

上篇 空间的旅行 Chapter 1: Journey of Space

太阳鸟 Sunbird(从太阳鸟和盲人歌手的对话中展开了盲人歌手“生命总是有梦的”心路历程)

天域 Sky(在“空间的旅行"中,盲人歌手诉说了心中的美好愿望——在浩瀚无限、神秘莫测的海洋、大地和天空,去寻找,去发现,去感悟生命的真谛)

星星你好 Hello, Stars(在挂满星星的夜空下,一名小号手在静静吹奏《星星你好》,320名聋人姑娘用手语向星星倾诉自己内心感受,体现天人合一的美好境界)手语"今夜的星星比任何时候都多,我在星光下显得格外美丽。星星,你好。" Their hand language is: Tonight stars are more than anytime's, I'm quite beautiful under starlight. Hello, stars.

中篇 时间的旅行 2: Journey of Time

永不停跳的舞步 Never-ending Dance(她原本是一位学芭蕾的孩子,在四川地震中失去左腿,承受巨大内心苦难,但她一刻也没放弃对芭蕾的追求)

四季 Four Seasons(时间是本巨大神奇的书,书页的翻合就是四季更迭生命轮回,钢琴声中,白雪皑皑的隆冬,桃花盛开的早春,荷叶田田的盛夏,麦浪滚滚的金秋,匆匆闪过)

下篇 生命的旅行 Chapter 3: Journey of Life

节日 Festival(2000名小演员表演的卡通舞蹈,青蛙、海鸥、牛、鸭子4种动物形象,表现宇宙生命的聚会,共同享受美好时光)

让我拥有你 Let Me Have You(在洒满星光的夜空里,一对男女歌手推着婴儿车,沿着生命的轨迹,共同歌唱宇宙、时间和生命的美好)

飞翔 Fly(750名演员用750双灵动的手,在小舞台形成的蓝色海面上,展现一群海燕,天鹅自由飞翔的壮丽景象)

北京奥组委主席 国际残奥委会主席致辞 Address by the President of BOCOG and the President of IPC

中华人民共和国主席宣布北京2008残奥会开幕 The President of the People's Republic of China Declares the Opening

主题歌《和梦一起飞》Theme song: Flying with the Dream by Han Hong and Andy Lau

国际残奥委会会旗入场 Entrance of IPC Flag

升国际残奥委会会旗 奏国际残奥委会会歌 Hoist the IPC Flag and Play the IPC Anthem

运动员和裁判员代表宣誓 Athlete's Oath, Judge's Oath

火炬入场点燃主火炬 The Entry of the Paralympic Torch/The Lighting of the Paralympic Cauldron 火炬手侯斌点燃主火炬

欢庆焰火 Fireworks of Celebration

File size: 1.37 gigabytes

Duration : 1h 32mn

Nominal bit rate : 1952 Kbps

Width : 1024 pixels

Height : 576 pixels

Display aspect ratio : 16/9

Frame rate : 25.000 fps

Video Format: KMV

Audio Format: AAC 2ch 150 Kbps


2008 Beijing Paralympic Games Opening Ceremony.CCTV-HD.part01.rar (95.78 MB)


2008 Beijing Paralympic Games Opening Ceremony.CCTV-HD.part02.rar (95.78 MB)


2008 Beijing Paralympic Games Opening Ceremony.CCTV-HD.part03.rar (95.78 MB)


2008 Beijing Paralympic Games Opening Ceremony.CCTV-HD.part04.rar (95.78 MB)


2008 Beijing Paralympic Games Opening Ceremony.CCTV-HD.part05.rar (95.78 MB)


2008 Beijing Paralympic Games Opening Ceremony.CCTV-HD.part06.rar (95.78 MB)


2008 Beijing Paralympic Games Opening Ceremony.CCTV-HD.part07.rar (95.78 MB)


2008 Beijing Paralympic Games Opening Ceremony.CCTV-HD.part08.rar (95.78 MB)


2008 Beijing Paralympic Games Opening Ceremony.CCTV-HD.part09.rar (95.78 MB)


2008 Beijing Paralympic Games Opening Ceremony.CCTV-HD.part10.rar (95.78 MB)


2008 Beijing Paralympic Games Opening Ceremony.CCTV-HD.part11.rar (95.78 MB)


2008 Beijing Paralympic Games Opening Ceremony.CCTV-HD.part12.rar (95.78 MB)


2008 Beijing Paralympic Games Opening Ceremony.CCTV-HD.part13.rar (95.78 MB)


2008 Beijing Paralympic Games Opening Ceremony.CCTV-HD.part14.rar (95.78 MB)


2008 Beijing Paralympic Games Opening Ceremony.CCTV-HD.part15.rar (60.74 MB)


campcomp 发表评论于
I have tried both Prat 12 and 13. They all works ok. Go to IE "internet Options" delete internet temp files and cookies, reflash browser and try again
bigfish1989 发表评论于
Part 13 is no longer available also.
bigfish1989 发表评论于
Part 12 file is not available any more. Can you please reload it? Deeply appreciate your excellent work.