You’ve brought brightness to night, You’ve also brought happiness to the world. You died in tears, But you told a truth: The cost of happiness is sorrow, The cost of brightness is death.
悲哀是悲哀者的护身符, 欢乐是欢乐者的坟墓。
Sorrow and Happiness
Sorrow is the amulet of whoever sorrow-stricken, Joy at its height is the grave of whoever overjoyed.
Tears are the confession of whoever overjoyed. Tears are the aspiration of whoever sorrow-stricken. Just let your tear fall so long as you have, Just let your tears stream so long as you have. Don’t care if it is joy or sorrow. What a grand thing to be in a flood of tears!
只要想写诗, 这个世界就是诗的世界, 就连星星也能滴出诗来。
Song as you want to compose poems, This world would be one of poems, Even stars can drip poems.
没有孤独就没有成功, 伟大的孤独造就伟大的奇迹。
No loneliness, no success, Great loneliness performs great miracles.
痛苦是欢乐的源泉, 欢乐是痛苦的伴侣。
Sorrow and Joy
Sorrow is the source of joy, Joy is the partner of sorrow.
There’s an agreement between the moon and me. He’s hanging in the sky, I’m standing at the window. Face to face we’ve nothing to say, But we’ve a tacit understanding. The moon wants to come down to the ground, I want to fly up into the sky.
树梢站在高处, 得到阳光最多; 然而总不满意, 否则为何总在摇头。
Tree Top
The tree top stands at the highest place, He gets the most sunshine; But he’s never satisfied, Or why does he always shake head?
根深深扎在地下, 默默为叶吸收翠绿, 悄悄为花采集嫣红。 一生不见日月, 从来无悔无怨。
The roots go deeply into the earth, Silently absorbing greenness for leaves, Quietly collecting redness for flowers. They can’t see the sun and the moon for life, But never do they complain.
Crystalline rain drops are the tears of clouds. They’ve left the sky, But never touch the ground. Sorrow or joy, It’s unnecessary to distinguish them. Since you’ve been infatuated with flower souls, You should leave your lives to the flower hearts.
站在月亮的前面, 憧憬月亮的背面。 月亮的前面是阴影, 月亮的背面是太阳。
I’m standing before the moon, I’m longing the scene behind it. What before the moon is the shadow, What behind the moon is the sun.
你献出白昼的余热, 化作满天的晚霞, 再悄然回到寂静的黑夜, 为明天酿造辉煌。
Setting Sun
You contribute the remaining heat of the day, And turn it into evening glow all over the sky. You quietly go back into the tranquil dark night, And brew the brightness for tomorrow.