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爱花的小女孩 -译自枫华论坛 卡尔加里 Ca 
原创:澳洲华人墨客 :
秋意浅译 一语湖边,
在蓝湖边, 经常站着一个小女孩, 她的头发长长卷在肩上, 好象一朵黑色的郁金香.
人们很少看到她笑, 她总是默默的站在那里, 好象在寻找什么, 又好象凭吊着什么.
我从她身边走过, 为她的忧愁所打动, 就上来问她, 你小小的年纪, 为什么这样的伤感呢?
她转过身来, 手里捻着一朵干枯的花儿.
她说" 这世界上, 只有花, 能够让我快乐, 花朵, 就象上帝的微笑, 在那笑容里, 我会忘了一切, 我的身体, 就好象游在天国里一般.
可是, 秋天来了, 所有的花, 都枯萎了, 连叶子也都落光了, 和着泥土, 已经烂得不成样子了, 北风渐渐的冷了, 树枝也都在哆嗦着, 鸟儿找不到食物, 路边, 躺着冻硬了的尸体,
你说, 让我如何能够快乐起来呢?"
我听着听着, 心里也落下泪来,
快乐啊, 你如同南飞的雁子, 就这样残忍的离开了这个小女孩,
忽然, 我想起来, 我有还有一只雁子, 可以给她,
于是, 我就从自己的口袋里, 豁地掏出了一只雁子, 递给她, 可她摇了摇头, 固执的拿着自己的干花儿.
"不, 除了花朵, 没有快乐可言." 她坚持着自己的梦.
这, 我能怎么办呢?
只有, 让时间来说服她吧, 来年的春天, 但愿能够让花儿永驻.

A maple leaf O'er the Lakes
-爱花的小女孩-A little girl at lakeside
Often, at side of the blue lake, a little girl in sight with long hair falls on her shoulder in curly wave of black tulip flowers.
Never, seen her smiles, in silence she stood, with a look of longing and morning for something lost.
My heart weighs at sight of her stood there, saddened in grief too heavy for an age so little.
She turned to me with dried flowers in her hand.
She said, " Only flowers can make me happy; Flowers smile, as God smiles at us, I fell nothing of me, and my body floats as it is in the holy heaven; Yet, when Autumn arrives, pedals drops, and so the leaves; mixed in the muddy soil, looking withered and sad; Northern wind, freezing, see the branches are trembling, birds are out of food, bodies lie stone-cold, icy, on roadside,"
“What can I be happy about? and how ?" Her voice drawn me by the tears in my heart.
"Happy? No,.." raised her head, She's Looking at the birds flying southbound in the sky, as if they are taking away all the happiness from her .
All of sudden, I remembered something that could cheer her up,
Out of my pocket, I handed a toy-goose to her. She said nothing, but shacking her head and still holding the dried flowers tight in her hand.
She said, "No, not happy at all with no flowers," in her dreamy voice,a bit trembling in the air.
I was immobilized by her saying. Only, time could make her believe that spring may bring back the happiness that stays forever in her little heart.
A maple leaf O'er the Lakes
2008 秋日 九月五日
Have a nice week end,

一语湖边 Lakeshore 雷客 Shaw
Website: http://canjournolanguage.blogspot.com/ ( Blogger )
2008 秋日 九月五日
Have a nice week end,

一语湖边 Lakeshore 雷客 Shaw
Website: http://canjournolanguage.blogspot.com/ ( Blogger )