Since when I became 牛毛猫, it's over la, over la......
Thanks for everything, I won't stay on line too long because I'm little too much recently.
I talked about another article "BoyFriend" and you should read it so you understand why I said what I said. I read other pieces by Little Due and found that she is a great young lady with a wonderful heart. Also, her writing is very skillful and didn't look like a young lady's writing, I was amazed by her. Anyways, I just wish I didn't hurt anyone's feelings. Actually, thinking about hurting other's feelings bothers me.
Anyways, I was declawed already, so I won't scratch other people again.
I knew you're teasing me, so I even didn't wast that 2 minutes, fell into sleep right away. Just like to stir a little. By the way, did you check that blog? All of the comments deleted. Ah?! I meant well. Maybe we have generation gap, so they don't understand me.
毛毛猫你可真疼闹腾啊你!瞧你一个小小的猫儿,一个人能占那么多地方,I 服了 U. 根据我对你的了解,你那个‘couldn't sleep'估计也就不超过两分钟的时间,猫们都是想睡就睡的,两分钟睡不着都是大事,呵呵,我就不替你操心了。你也别de-claw啊,要是那样的话你还怎么抓老鼠啊?:)
南山松 发表评论于
hairycat 发表评论于
I was kidding, no thing serious. I met 歌儿 in Bright's blog, and tease each other a lot. 歌儿 is type of girl who I can get along with, both have science background but love literature. I come here for fun, that's it.
歌儿, I de-clawed already so I don't have nails anymore. Last night, after reading your comments about my claws, I couldn't sleep.... 5555555 for long time......
hairycat 发表评论于
Dr. W, I often feel intellecturally lonely, because, not many people interested in reading and phylosophical subjects. So, I meant complemental to you, not a insult. Sorry, I didn't express myself precisely.
Now I found bounch of people in WXC like Dr. W, Bright, LadySiling, 歌儿, Wuming, etc., happyyyyyyy, yaaaa......
So if I have mad-cat disease, please forgive me.
hairycat 发表评论于
Now I'm seriouse. It's by worlding, highly intellectural type usually feel extremely lonely because TA feels that no-one can understand TA. So Dr. W is the writer.