茂宜岛的Haleakala火山是著名的国家公园. 从山下碧蓝的太平洋水到山顶贫瘠的火山岩,Haleakala的海拔高达一万英尺. 这是个独一无二的地方, 包含干燥寒冷的红色火山荒漠和绿色的热带雨林, 令人难忘.
MAUI REVALED 介绍了SKYLINE 小径(P 238), 一条可以从山顶经Mamane小径下降到waipoli的挑战之路, 前后跨度九英里, 下降4000多英尺.
受MAUI REVALED的吸引, 我于9/5日下午1时,开始从haleakala山顶西南,行4.4英里,到达mamane trailhead. 这段地面都是浮土和火山岩. 我的教训是一定要戴手套,穿长裤, 因为我在大拐弯处摔了俩跤. mamane小径比较好骑, 是狭窄的坚实路面. 最后的waiohuili 小径非常难骑, 到处是断木和树根. 到了waipoli大道, 就是2.3英里土路, 有些上坡.
volcano craters
Road close to the trailhead of skyline trail (to science city)
volcano rock in upper part of skyline trail
Upper part of skyline trail
Gate at the end of upper part of skyline trail
Forest in the lower part of skyline trail
Forest in the lower part of skyline trail
In the lower part of skyline trail
mamane trailhead
Nene in the middle of mamane trail
In the middle of waiohuili trail
Back to waipoli Road
Ranch in the lower part of waipoli road