Next trading day focus(9/25/08)

Today's IB balance is 60600, lost 100. Dow down 16. Make 500 from CF which is pure luck. Make 100 each from FXI-CAF and MGM-WYNN.

Today make a mistake, clear AAPL-RIMM position immedietly it turned profit and didn't look back when position value down again. Later, the position value soar up another 200, should have catch the position since I've followed it so closely.

Tried FXI-CAF theory, that is, FXI should follow shanghai index since it's large cap state owned companies, FXI follow Shenzhen more closely since it's small cap. Also FXI has discount 0.7% and CAF has premium 1.6%. Yesterday shanghai up more than shenzheng, thus if FXI behind CAF today by over 1.5% to 2%, load position. Did twice and both time it worked, made 30 and 40 respectively. The only concern is that CAF has big bid/ask spread since it's not as liquid as FXI. Final trade so far donw 120, will see tomorrow's performance. Pretty confident though.

Tried MGM-WYNN strategy as stated yesterday. Will keep until make at least 100, Cannot make same mistake as in AAPL-RIMM case(the postion is still moving up!!!) So far so good, will continue to hold. Later sold position for 109 profit. Good move. Made another move and had good result too.

Dry shipping had a big down day again, BDI drop a awful 293 to 4489, or 6.1%. It's supposed to be shipping season. My position in DRYS, DSX and GNK lost 1354. Will continue to hold position. If history is correct this will come back.


1. Closely follow FXI and CAF performance.

2. Continue WYNN-MGM trade.

3. Hope to close out HD-LOW position

4. CF-MON trade, if CF drops under MON, load position

5. Finish WSJ

6. Work out and read Trader Vic

7. Meet with Jack
