Have You Seen a Model Like That?

小东西之一: Olivia, 14 years old 小东西之二: Evan, 11 years old
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Olivia has always been into "fashion"J. Starting a month or two ago, she would occasionally dress up completely in my clothes, or I should say my dresses or skirts, never in my pantsJ.  She thinks she looks nice in my clothes and it is fun to play dress up as always.

This reminds me when I was little, when green and gray were the two dominant colors you saw on the street. The girls had just started to wear more colorful clothes and dresses and high heels were just shown up on the market.  One day I inadvertently found a pair of high heels under my parent's bed. It was of cream color and the heel was about two inches. I was in owe of its beauty and immediately fell in love. Ever since I found this secret, I would sneak out of the room wearing it in the late afternoon after school but before my dad would come home for dinner.  I would walk along the street in front of our apartment building or on the play ground, self appreciating and showing off in front of my little friends who of course had never worn a pair of high heels before. I felt very good doing it for quite some time
without being ever being caughtJ .

Back to Olivia, she lately got hooked up to a pair of black high heels of mine. This past Saturday morning after the breakfast, I bumped into her on the stairs. She was wearing my high heels with a long cream winter scarf of mine wrapped around her neck outside of her tank top. She immediately struck a smiling pose when she saw me and asked: "Mom, how do you like my outfit? I think I look pretty good."

I took a look and said: "Hmm, I think you'd better go wipe your mouth. Have you ever seen a fashion model with food crumbs around her mouth?"

She touched her mouth and couldn't help but laugh out loud visualizing a real fashion model walking the stage with food around the corner of her mouth like she did.
