The Weepies - Nobody knows me at all

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一只小清新乐队随意地唱出平凡人的感受,好像清晨独自走在人行道上,看路上车来车往,看树叶间漏下来的阳光,不刺眼,也不够温暖。生活还算美好,朋友不算少,但是Nobody knows me at all. 每个人都是孤独的。这是我,也是你的小秘密。虽然我们没有说。别笑人小资或经历浅。每个人都有理由拥有属于自己的孤独和快乐,只要不夸大。:)

"Nobody Knows Me At All"

When I was a child everybody smiled, nobody knows me at all

Very late at night and in the morning light, nobody knows me at all

Now I got lots of friends, yes, but then again, nobody knows me at all

Kids and a wife, it's a beautiful life, nobody knows me at all

And oh when the lights are low

Oh with someone I don't know

I don't give a damn, I'm happy as a clam, nobody knows me at all

Ah, what can you do? There's nobody like you. Nobody knows me at all

I know how you feel, no secrets to reveal, nobody knows me at all

Very late at night and in the morning light, nobody knows me at all

Nobody knows me, nobody knows me, nobody knows me at all

太阳屋 发表评论于
你这个音响就是好。最近也在听Weepies, 那首Stars 百听不厌。