手把手教你做酸面包 Sour dough bread 1:1(组图)

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Step 1: Make sour dough starter
2 cups all purpose flour
2 cups of milk
1 tsp yeast
In a large glass or ceramic bowl, combine all above and cover with plastic wrap. Poke few holes on the plastic wrap. Let it stand in the room temperature for at least 5 days. You know it is ready when you smell sour.

Step 2: Make sponge

1 cup sour dough starter
2 cups water
2 tsp yeast
2 cups unbleached flour
Measure the sour dough starter, add water and combine. Put flour in a big container. Add all of liquid to the flour. See below pictures:
1杯酸面包引子加2杯水,yeast 混合均匀。2杯面粉放入大玻璃盆中。液体和面粉混合均匀。看下图:

Cover it and wait for bubbling.盖好等着发起来。

Step 3: Make dough, shape the dough and raise
1/2 cup water
1 tbsp sea salt
~3 cups all purpose flour
Add the water, salt, and 2 cups of the flour to the sponge remaining in the bowl. Stir with a wooden spoon to mix well.  Add more flour if it is needed to make a soft dough. (Standmixer does good job for you.) Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface. Knead just until smooth. Put the dough on a lined baking sheet. See picture below. Sprinkle some flour on the dough. Cover it with a kitchen towel and let it rise till double.
在SPONGE中加入1/2 杯水,1大勺海盐和2杯面粉。混合均匀。再加入适量面粉揉成软的面团。我让我家的STANDMIXER来做这项工作。把面团放在扑了纸的烤盘上,撒上些面粉,用厨房TOWEL盖上,放到暖和的地方发面。直到发大2倍以上。

The dough has rise. Use a sharp knife and cut cross on the top. (5 inch long)

Step 4: Bake the bread
Preheat oven to 450F with a baking stone. Put some hot water in a pan and leave it on the bottom of the oven. Mist the dough with water several times. Put it in the oven immediately and bake for 30 minutes. Do not open the oven until you are ready to test doneness. (The bread taste the best if it is baked directly on the baking stone.) Reduce the heat to 400F and continue baking until the crust is dark and the bread sounds hollow when tapped on the top, ~25 minutes. (Baking time might varies based on your oven temperature)

It is coming out of oven with a tempting fragrance.

Brush out excess flour. Transfer to a wire rack and let cool completely before slicing.

Take a look at the middle of the bread:

It is absolutely delicious with a bowl of lentil soup.

Or enjoy the bread with butter and honey. The sour dough bread is one of our favorite homemade bread. We can eat it just like this. I hope you like it, too.

沁溪橄榄 发表评论于
yes.u did. Thank you, 老乡! I used to live in Arbin 19years :)
OregonRain 发表评论于
It is normal. I bet you saw the bubbling process, right? That meant it has been fermented. The higher temperature, the faster reaction. If you stir it, you should smell sour, like vinegar. If you see black mold, it is a bad thing. It should be fine if it has separation. Keep your eyes on it since the weather is warm over there. I wouldn't expose it to the sun. Remember, you should keep it in the frig. if you don't use it often. Did I answer your questions?
沁溪橄榄 发表评论于
Hey OregonRain, would you please clarify that "You know it is ready when you smell sour." -- what kind of sour smell, like 醋? I live in south C.A. The temperature is around 89 degree. I made sour dough starter on Friday night. When I see the starter this morning, the smell is not strong, but has water which are over the flour. Would u please tell me it is normal? Thank u
liu-fu 发表评论于
OregonRain 发表评论于
Sorry, I didn't explain correctly. Baking stone is used for baking good quality bread, especially for flat bread, such as Pizza. It is heated to the temperature you set. The bread will sear the high temperature at bottom first and toward to the center. If you don't have it, the bread will receive the heat from surface. It is easy to brown the outside, but inside bread is not ready yet. Hope this help.
OregonRain 发表评论于
Hi, you can find it in any cooking essential store. I bought mine in William Sonoma. You might find it in Macy, too. It cost ~$30 to $50 depends upon the size. I recommend the square one. Mine is round. I wish I would get square one.
安夏 发表评论于
What is baking stone? Where can we get it?
Thank you very much for the receipe. I will definately try it. :)
OregonRain 发表评论于
Sorry, I haven't get chance to finish yet. If you look at closely, it said that under development on the title. It is kind of busy at work. I'll try to finish this weekend. Thanks for visisting!
天下无马 发表评论于
No receipe? Then what is this for?

You wont tell people how to make a starter?

Holding back the secret that when you bake you add water to the pan underneath?

Come on, it is simple but better to teach people right?