说Obama是社会主义,你们连什么是社会主义都没有搞懂。社会主义是認為生產資源應該由社會或政府所控制。Obama有说这么做吗?他说的spread the wealth是指在过去8年里,美国95%的人收入的增长比例远远小于通货膨胀物价的增长,所以收入在10万左右的人生活越来越拮据,而这主要是由于金融机构的风险投机和战争造成的。所以国家现在的根本任务是要帮助这些人度过难关。有错吗?你现在也许并不是这其中的一员,但是如果有一天你不幸成为了,你希望一个总统给你减税多还是给亿万富翁多?
First of all, who can explain what is socialism and communism? Just because McCain and Palin called Obama? Warren Buffet won't welcome Communism even he doesn't mind contributing most of his extreme wealth to charities. General Powell is one of the most respected Republicans and he is well-informed on political policies. I think both Buffet and Powell know something about great leadership qualities.
It's unfair to call George Clooney, Matt Damon, Babra Streisand "typical empty headed hollywood actors" or actresses. Those people are not those stars who are only interested in making money. Actually, they have contributed lots of their time and money to different causes of charities. Matt Daemon was admitted to Harvard University and later dropped off to pursue his acting career. But we all know what means to be accepted by Harvard. At least his brain should be smarter than Sarah Palin. He is also the writer of the screeplay of an Oscar-winning movie(serious type). That should qualify him as an intellectual. George has recently produced and directed some commericial risky movies with political views. If you watch any of them, you'll see he's a brain, not only a good-looking face. Don't forget, they are also those real rich folks who'll be taxed under Obama's policy. But I think they are the true examples of "Country First".
You can have your political views, but don't try to downgrade those who don't agree with you.
Obama张口闭口"we can change the world",这世界本来好好的美国人凭什么要去change?太霸道了,每次听着不寒而栗。
qqq2008 发表评论于
Which party is going to take care of the working class/middle class.
I agree when the othe guy said giving rich people $10k a year they might not even care. The low-come families can apply for welfare, like free daycare, low-income housing.
What happened to the people like me every morning rushing to sending my two little kids to daycare center and then rushing to work. There is a new daycare center just bulit next door. I went there to apply and got rejected because our income is too high and even I am willing to pay since the location is really convenient and was told the priority is given to poor families. So I realized the poor family can send their kids for daycare for free and meanwhile I pay $2000 a month for two kids daycare fee. My community has those Townhouses for low-income families, $200,000 if you are eligible.
Then McCain said rich people you will pay less tax if I got elected and Obama said you poor people I will give your more money and free medicare if you elect me.
I don't understand politics but only worry about the monthly bill.
顾影人 发表评论于
以史为鉴, 好啊:
民主党人, James Buchanan, “consistently ranked by scholars as one of the worst U.S. Presidents.” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Buchanan)
肯尼迪:个人魅力,没得说。 不过说他有伟大成就? 请列举。 我所知道的:
Bay of Pigs: 大错。
Cuban Missile Crisis: 大功。但是事件由Bay of Pigs引起。
越南战争:大错, 和他的下任 LBJ 共同开创了越战这个美国有史以来最大的错误。最后由共和党人 Nixon 结束。
民权运动:大功。 不过他的功劳大还是 Martin Luther King Jr. 功劳大? 既然民主党人认为人民创造历史, 他好意思把自己放在 MLK 前面?
如果有疏漏,请指正。 但是说肯尼迪“关键时刻带领美国人民走出危机“? 是走入越战的危机吧。
明夷 发表评论于
唐太宗李世民说过:以史为鉴可以知兴衰。怎样看两党候选人不单单是其本人的民望,品行,能力,还要看美国的历史。如果稍微研究一下,不难看出美国历史上伟大并造福国家的总统,大多是民主党人。从林肯,小罗斯福,到肯尼迪。这些总统的共同特征是在关键时刻带领美国人民走出危机,纠正错误,重归正确的方向。他们不但在外事方面卓有建树,在经济方面也做出了重大贡献。反观共和党人,大多数共和党人总统,特别是最近几届,都把美国经济搞得一塌糊涂。里根时代的美国赤字,老布什作为伊战英雄却败给克林顿正式因为他自己也没有能力扭转经济上的巨大衰退,小布什我们就不说了,他是最有可能被钉在历史耻辱柱上的美国总统候选者之一。共和党人说他们要小政府,要让经济自由化,要鼓励small business。而看看真实的历史却不是这样,他们从来都没有把美国经济搞好过。有人说共和党的缩写GOP是Gas and Oil Party,有一定道理。共和党更加重视大企业和大资本,不太看得起穷人和中产阶级。看看麦凯恩的减税政策就可以知道一二:富人得到了更多的减税好处,你越富有就更多的从麦凯恩那里获得好处。问题是,其一,富人真的需要减税才能过的更好吗?给一个富人一下子减税10万美金,对他能有多大的改善。其二,国家失去这10万税金的收入,需要从哪里弥补?美国的财政不是盈余,而是债台高筑。国家需要更多的钱来补足亏空。穷人富人都减税了,国家哪里有钱修路,支付医疗保险军队等?只能是要么印钞票,要么向中国等国家借钱。无论哪种方法,势必导致美金贬值,物价飞涨。如果原来鸡蛋要10分钱,现在要20分钱。表面上你减税了,实际上你的生活可能更加困难(想必大家已经感受到美国物价今非昔比了)。你实际上还是多缴税了,只是你却没有"光荣缴税“的名头。这种冲击对于手头不富裕的中产阶级和穷人的冲击更大且非常具有普遍性,难以避免。其三,共和党是白人基督徒的政党,其主要支持者是占国家大多数的白人族裔的基督徒。这在本质上决定了他不可能真的关心少数民族(包括华人)。他们的移民政策倾向于限制新移民的权利,摒弃一切非基督徒的价值观和生活取向。这是由于他们主要支持者的种族,宗教和价值观决定的。如果你不改变你的亚裔面孔和皮肤,不笃信基督教,你大概不会被共和党的主流所接受(不过我相信还是会有一些亚裔会不遗余力的尝试)。一个有趣的事实是犹太裔大多是民主党的支持者,虽然他们很可能很有钱。因为他们们知道只有民主党才能对他们这样的少数族裔更好一些,他们实在是因为历史的悲剧而学得更加智慧了。什么时候轮到我们中华民族?
After reading this article, I will vote McCain. I don't like penalizing working people. Most of Chinese families, both Dad and Mom are working and if both are working, most of them are going to pay more tax. If Obama wants to tax rich people, please tax real rich people.
Let's look at this kind of scenario. AIG almost went bankrupcy. Now the employees of the AIG wants to elect a department manager to be the CEO of the company and think this department manager can lead the company out of the trouble. Do you think this kind of choice will be accepted by the share holders? Do you ever think that the experience and ability this person has can handle the situation? Think the same thing in this election. Do not jump from one mistake into another mistake. We need to learn from the mistakes.
marriedwoman 发表评论于
There are many different view points, I am certainly entitled to mine. America is not yet the old communist China, at least not until OB gets elected. (改革中的中国也走CAPTITALISM 了,难道你想美国也走回SOCIALISM or COMMUNISM?)
you ask why there are rich people supporting OB? Why not, everyone has got their own agenda, in fact, OB has spend an unprecedented amount of money in US election campaign history, without this crazy amount of money, he could have never gone so far, with his poor creditial and unclear past history. (George Clooney, Matt Damon, Babra Streisand? are you kidding me! What do they know about social/foreign/economic policies? They are typical empty headed hollywood actors)
There are many poor people supporting JM too. Although his economic policy isn't much more brilliant than OB's, but I trust his foreign policy, and his experience. In bad time like this, we need it!
顾影人 发表评论于
各位欧巴的 fan 们, 你们是不是觉得美国的富人会老老实实呆在美国接受欧巴的高税啊? 他们这么傻?
Obama and the Tax Tipping Point How long before taxpayers are pushed too far?
What happens when the voter in the exact middle of the earnings spectrum receives more in benefits from Washington than he pays in taxes? Economists Allan Meltzer and Scott Richard posed this question 27 years ago. We may soon enough know the answer.
Barack Obama is offering voters strong incentives to support higher taxes and bigger government. This could be the magic income-redistribution formula Democrats have long sought.
Sen. Obama is promising $500 and $1,000 gift-wrapped packets of money in the form of refundable tax credits. These will shift the tax demographics to the tipping point where half of all voters will receive a cash windfall from Washington and an overwhelming majority will gain from tax hikes and more government spending.
In 2006, the latest year for which we have Census data, 220 million Americans were eligible to vote and 89 million -- 40% -- paid no income taxes. According to the Tax Policy Center (a joint venture of the Brookings Institution and the Urban Institute), this will jump to 49% when Mr. Obama's cash credits remove 18 million more voters from the tax rolls. What's more, there are an additional 24 million taxpayers (11% of the electorate) who will pay a minimal amount of income taxes -- less than 5% of their income and less than $1,000 annually.
In all, three out of every five voters will pay little or nothing in income taxes under Mr. Obama's plans and gain when taxes rise on the 40% that already pays 95% of income tax revenues.
The plunder that the Democrats plan to extract from the "very rich" -- the 5% that earn more than $250,000 and who already pay 60% of the federal income tax bill -- will never stretch to cover the expansive programs Mr. Obama promises.
What next? A core group of Obama enthusiasts -- those educated professionals who applaud the "fairness" of their candidate's tax plans -- will soon see their $100,000-$150,000 incomes targeted. As entitlements expand and a self-interested majority votes, the higher tax brackets will kick in at lower levels down the ladder, all the way to households with a $75,000 income.
Calculating how far society's top earners can be pushed before they stop (or cut back on) producing is difficult. But the incentives are easy to see. Voters who benefit from government programs will push for higher tax rates on higher earners -- at least until those who power the economy and create jobs and wealth stop working, stop investing, or move out of the country.
Other nations have tried the ideology of fairness in the place of incentives and found that reward without work is a recipe for decline. In the late 1970s and throughout the 1980s, Margaret Thatcher took on the unions and slashed taxes to restore growth and jobs in Great Britain. In Germany a few years ago, Social Democrat Gerhard Schroeder defied his party's dogma and loosened labor's grip on the economy to end stagnation. And more recently in France, Nicolas Sarkozy was swept to power on a platform of restoring flexibility to the economy.
The sequence is always the same. High-tax, big-spending policies force the economy to lose momentum. Then growth in government spending outstrips revenues. Fiscal and trade deficits soar. Public debt, excessive taxation and unemployment follow. The central bank tries to solve the problem by printing money. International competitiveness is lost and the currency depreciates. The system stagnates. And then a frightened electorate returns conservatives to power.
The economic tides will not stand still while Washington experiments with European-type social democracy, even though the dollar's role as the global reserve currency will buy some time. Our trademark competitive advantage will be lost, and once lost, it will be hard to regain. There are too many emerging economies focused on prosperity and not redistribution for the U.S. to easily recapture its role of global economic leader.
Tomorrow's children may come to question why their parents sold their birthright for a mess of "fairness" -- whatever that will signify when jobs are scarce and American opportunity is no longer the envy of the world.
Mr. Lerrick is a professor of economics at Carnegie Mellon University and a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.
"his wealth distribution concept plays to the heart of many Americans, who are suffering from this severe economic downturn"
Do you really watch news or only Republican Broadcast? Have you seen so many rich and famous people endorse Obama? Warren Buffet, General Powell, Kennedy family, Opraph, George Clooney, Matt Damon, Babra Streisand and even some Wall street big shots, etc.. If you think Warren Buffet is a loser, who else is not in this world? and Buffet is a communist too?
Don't try to flag other opinions different with your views, just like the Communist Party used to do in the old days.
OB will no doubt push social/communist agenda if he's elected, his wealth distribution concept plays to the heart of many Americans, who are suffering from this severe economic downturn. But do not be fooled, poor will still be poor, the rich will still be rich, if you raise tax on the wealthy and corporations, there will be less tax for the governments and fewer jobs for the American people. 羊毛出在羊身上,plain and simple.
OB is communist, with his tie to his pastor and his domestic terrorist friends. I just don't get it how the media were able to defend this for him so well, like it is no big deal.
In this tough time, we definitely don't need someone who just can make beautiful speeches, and put on a cool show.
If Obama wanted to emulate McCain's attack ads, we would hear robocalls in the Heartland informing America's patriots that McCain: a) was in the pocket of former Lincoln Savings & Loan president and convicted criminal Charles Keating; b) was buddies with fellow convicted criminal Republicans Ted Stevens, Tom Delay, Scooter Libby, Bob Allen, Trent Lott, Jack Abramoff, Don Young, Larry Craig, Randy “Duke” Cunningham, Tom Feeney, Alberto Gonzoles, Bob Ney, Rick Renzi, Richard Curtis, Steven Griles, Mark Foley...etc; c) accepted political donations from the Watergate convicted criminal G. Gordon Liddy; d) picked a runningmate mired in scandal (Troopergate) and has acted "unethical" according to her own people - - and doctored expense reports to bilk her taxpayers; e) gave up information to his communist captors in North Vietnam, whereas other American prisoners did NOT; McCain has a lot to answer for. You can’t call yourself a patriot while voting for criminals.
i vote Mcain,He is better.I trust him more than Obama
紫萸香慢 发表评论于
"Obama如果当选, 对中国是没有任何好处的!"
Are you are an American citizen? Did you take the Oath of Allegiance? If you are, you have to be loyal to USA first, bonded by your oath. Otherwise, your words mean nothing.
Since Obama has no experience at all, whatever the majority of people want, he just follow their ideas and say it. You can see this very easily from this election. He changed his idea frequently and has no solid thinking of his own. Do you think he can stick with his plan after taking the presidency, especially the tax plan?
sure2005 发表评论于
We need to be very careful about US media. Before the Iraq war, the entire media supported the war as well as the majority of the senators. Now everyone acused Bush. Now ask yourself, all the senators are representing the whole US people. What kind of decision they made at that time? What is their responsibility? The majority of the senators are from Democratic. They can stop the war at the first place. Why they point the finger to some one else now?
I would rather donate the money to the charity I like instead of giving to some one you have no idea how they spend your money. The motivation is the spirit of this country and it keeps US leading the world.
回复无相的评论: Then if you spend the money in Afganistan, it is even worse than in Iraq. Do you think US can win the war in Afganistan? The whole population over there is against US troop. We will spend the money endlessly and finally have nothing at last if we send more troops to Afganistan.
In USA, only 5% of the population make more than $250k/year. 60% of the population paying the tax. If you are paying the tax, in most condition if you are a Chinese, you are in the middle class and your money goes to some one else's pocket who do not need to work at all and have a good life.
Economy in USA is a cycle, up and down, it does not matter who is the leader of this country. This is the basic rule of the capitalism. If you check the USA history, you can easily find that.
That McShame guy crashed 4 airplanes before engaging any fight with enemies. Then he got captured once he went to fight. His judgment has always been questionable. It is right that he was a "maverick", which means he was never meant to be a leader.
McSame will loose, and he will loose in a way that he will also loose whatever credits he built in the past. He will be forever marked as some body put himself before his party and his party before the country: A very sad ending for the maverick.
"working class" --- do you meant ones makes over $250K/year?
On health: we are already paying for the uninsured, in a very expansive way -- emergency room care.
On education: If the poor people get good education, it will save you a lot of headache. It also save your pocket $$ for your kids' education.
Why do you continue to have confidence in Republican party after they screw up USA so badly?
On taxes: The government needs to raise $$ to save the market and fiance, we just witnessed that. Is your memory that short?
Chinaforever2008 发表评论于
坚定支持麦凯恩,越战英雄, 治国经验丰富,带领美国走出危机! 选Obama是美国走向衰落的标志!
sure2005 发表评论于
Obama wants the free college education and overall health care, where the money comes from? That will from our working class. In USA, about 40% of the population don't pay a dime to the tax. Those people's benefit will from the remaining 60% population's tax. The Obama's plan is good, but the hard working class needs to support the 40% of the population which contributes nothing to the society. Raising middle class tax is a matter of time. Raising corporate tax will speed up more companies to go oversea which you will see high unemployment here. Who want to work very hard and finally all the benefit goes to other people's pockets?
laojie 发表评论于
Me too, go 08马!
dune3000 发表评论于
sure2005 发表评论于
Do you understand the war in Iraq is for oil, not for terrorism? For the USA strategy, control oil in that area will control the whole world. This is a big strategic plan. The benefit will not show up in recent days. The start of the war in Iraq is not correct. Since USA has spent so much money in the war, without getting the benefit from the war, retrievign the troop from Iraq does not make any senses. All the top guys know this but no one wants to admit it. For Afganistan, even you win the war, what you will get? You want to get those bare mountain? Think thru.
smeagolrocks 发表评论于
I already voted for Obama.
lianggeren 发表评论于
wonderful article!!!! thank you. that's what we should know before we vote!!!! Obama is THE ONE who has vision in my point of view...