【久别问候 吾友德利君】


Notes:【久别问候 吾友德利君】

Nov 01, Halloween day , 2008

大湖闲谈 两地《书签》德利一语·0802

致:Deli 君,

Wish this letter finds you're doing well.I have to tell you the lake this morning is quite,  peaceful in it;s autumn color. I did not forget you and all, but kept this missing in heart deeper till the the last day of Oct, yeah, it's been a while.

I did not know how much of the Poetry that I've had missed. But as a child, I am so afraid of what funnest games missed out, anxious for what will be get into during this time of the year for the men even at ours' age.

Actually, I've been busy with the business putting out a few lines and pages for the a 30' years of what an Canadian office have been doing. Overwhelmed by the amount of information and academic depth of the topic. I felt both excited and scared.

I cann't hide the painfulness of leaving the writing we have just started. Some times people are strange, neither too busy to take out a pen nor too busy to profit from a place.   

But there is good news coming in this morning that market is getting better owning to an government intervene into the market from all hands in the world.

When finishing this line, I‘m looking at the lake, she is quite as if she is still in sleep her face shone brightly golden already in the morning sun.

真是:寰球风波泻泻( 千尺)涨,冬衣湖边微微(一丝)凉;

Burlington Ca.
A piece of paper O'er the lakes, which is foggy in the morning.
小战士:约翰 雷

K. Shaw Burlington, Ca. Halloween Day  2008

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Posted to " 北美文学城,美语世界,枫华论坛,"(Halloween Day  2008 Nov 01, 2008 )

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