Can we dance?

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The man i loved all these years,

Now, in front of me, you look like a stranger.

Baby, your hair has some white in it.

Did i give you that pain?

Why you look so sad?

In the music, i give you a hug,

i hold you in my arms,

Baby, can we dance?

like years ago, when i had my 21st birthday,

we danced, we were so young, so fearless,

we thought we do not need to worry about tommorrow....

I cried, tears flew down my cheek.

During the past years,

you dried my tears.

Baby, i used to be the girl that always cries.

but, you left me, you left me.

i was so afraid, i was afraid of the darkness,

i was afraid of the night.

The nights without you,

many, many nights.

i pretend to be strong.

No i am not strong, not strong at all baby.

So let's just dance,

dance to this music,

we forget about yesterday,

we forget about today.

we forget about the fact,

that you are already somebody else's man,

at this moment, it will be

just you and me.

let me just hold you,

like how we danced many, many times before.

as if you are mine, only mine.

I hurt you, just like you hurt me.

we love each other,

just like how we hate each other.

and how we want to pocess each other forever.

But, we let loose

we let each other go.

I will start to fly away,

just like the way i was

before i met you.

i will drift

and see where the wave will take me.

i don't know where it will take me.

But before that

Can we dance

Can we dance


Music "the way we were" from Rebecca Lin. thanks, Rebecca.

NewBird 发表评论于
violet* 发表评论于
Nice poem... i like it