由于天气转冷,房间里阴凉逼人,我决定提前打开暖气取暖,刚开始时,似乎一切正常,两小时后,突然一种奇怪的铬拉铬拉声响从楼下的锅炉房传来,我马上把开关turn off 。第二天,我找出黄页,从中选出若干所谓修理锅炉的美国公司来(经过几次打交道,我已经不相信中国人开的公司了,尤其是这种技术性较强的工作),由于对锅炉一窍不通,打了几家西人的电话,也只是简单询问了下收费方法(大概有两种: 1。一价到底,2。按小时收费,还是由于不懂,所以我选了后者), 就订下了一家能最早来维修的公司(是周六,第二天早上)。
You have to complain, it is never too late to complain.
Call that company telling them the charge is way too much, calculate the hourly charge with time spent and plus the parts cost, that is what you should pay, otherwise at least tell the company that you will complain that to BBB(Best Beuro Busness).
平凡往事 发表评论于
回复:you have to complain.
来源: Guest7 于 08-10-27 15:43:48
You have to complain, it is never too late to complain.
Call that company telling them the charge is way too much, calculate the hourly charge with time spent and plus the parts cost, that is what you should pay, otherwise at least tell the company that you will complain that to BBB(Best Beuro Busness).
for a new system. In this case though I think you do bear some responsibility too. First thing before any repair work is to get an estimate. You should wait to hear from a few companies first to make a decision. If you needed to have it done ASAP, then you need to prepare to pay for the speedy service too. This company definetely overcharged you, but you agreed before the repair happened. If you said no, then you would probably have to pay for a service call, which could easily cost at least a hundred bucks too.
平凡往事 发表评论于
share一个real story
来源: greenlin 于 08-10-26 08:33:25
Not long ago, I noticed faint gas smell i my basement and asked gas company do some inspection. Indeed the representitive found very minor gas leaking. I have to call plumber to fix. From Yellow Book, I found a company and called them. One woman picked up the phone and said she can send someone to my house soon. But the estimation was not free. You know what I mean. A white man came, after brief inspection, he went through his heavy book and told me $500 to change 1 meter long pipe. I said too expensive. He then called his boss, and we settled down around $400. I think that type of work, $100 is more than enough.He just used less than half hour to change the tubing. At that time I really have no other choice as I need the gas to cook. One more thing, always ask for free estimation! Be careful about those white trash.