How Hong Zhang lured a judge in charge of law enforcement into breaking the law?
Many persons whom Hong Zhang met and contacted in China had had criminal experience. She is also a spiteful woman with criminal mentality. A senior officer of Shaanxi Provincial Public Security Department who forged passport and ID card for Hong Zhang has been severely sentenced to prison for providing passport to Lai Changxing, a well-known “celebrity”.
张虹在瑞士又使用同样欺骗的手法,利用她的假护照和假身份蒙骗瑞士法官和政府官员, 而法官和政府官员利用他们的工作职权来替张虹张杰良(翟羽佳)洗刷她的重婚等等的诈骗罪行,替张虹张杰良(翟羽佳)洗刷了她们的罪行,使他们走向执法犯法的犯罪道路。也是他们被张虹的谎言蒙蔽了眼睛,而毁了他们一世” 清白”! 张虹的高明手法,一箭多雕,好像法官和政府官员被张虹欺骗、利用的如同三岁小孩.
Also, the Swiss judicial and governmental officials bought off by Hong Zhang purified her and her son (Jieliang Zhang, originally called Yuejia Zhai) of sin (bigamy, fraud, etc). Hoodwinked and cajoled like a child by Hong Zhang, they violate laws when conducting them, ruining their clean records.
如说张虹是超级诈骗犯,的确屈才了!法官帮张虹,张虹将法官拉下水,不惜以法律文件形式,替张虹洗刷罪行,执法犯法, 白纸黑字的证据会让他们无法解脱,将成为司法界不可思议的丑闻, 既就是他现暂时有权有势,法律暂时不能惩罚他,但锁定了他为张虹执法犯法的犯罪事实。而且,在海外就成了终身的丑闻的法官.也成为司法界的笑柄.全世界各界人士,会知道瑞士法院的这件丑闻,给瑞士人丢脸,让瑞士司法界蒙羞.参与为张虹洗罪的有关人员,也将提心吊胆过日子。张虹给那些替她洗刷罪行的人带来的名誉损失,远远超过送给他们的”好处”!虽然瑞士人诚实善良,但被张虹欺骗蒙蔽,充分利用,让这些人成为替张虹洗刷罪行的工具.成为不明真相的受害者,让这些瑞士善良诚实的人,变成了张虹的牺牲品.当这些人明白被张虹欺骗而走向犯罪道路时,或者说名誉受到极大的伤害时,这些受害人又会怎么想呢?如果知道用伪造的中国古代名人字画,当作价值连城的礼物来欺骗他们,这些受害人,又会怎样认识张虹呢?这个责任应该由谁来负?很显然,法官和政府官员虽然有轻信失察之责,遇到张虹张杰良(翟羽佳)这样的超级国际诈骗犯,也是无能为力。所以,责任应该由犯罪始作俑者犯罪首犯张虹承担责任。让张虹断送了前程!毁了别人的一生!
If I say Hong Zhang is a super swindler, that is really unworthy of her talents! Dragged into the mire by Hong Zhang, the judge went so far as to purge her sin in legal form while in charge of law enforcement. However, how can they change their criminal evidences in black and white? It will surely be a great scandal in Swiss judicial circle! Although the judge isn’t punished by law for the time being, his criminal fact of violating law while in charge of law enforcement has been locked up. Once opened, the judge will be subject to the scandal all his life, laying himself open to ridicule. By then, everyone in the world will know the scandal of justice in Swiss, discountenancing Swiss and Swiss Justice. All the other accomplices will also be haunted with fear. Their loss of reputation will be far beyond what they got from Hong Zhang! Blinded and deceived by Hong Zhang, these honest and kind Swiss became the tools used by Hong Zhang to cleanse her guilt. They were also the casualties and victims of this fraud who were not aware of the facts. How would they think when they are aware that they have perverted justice or broke the law, or their reputation is seriously damaged? How would they look at Hong Zhang when they know those “valuable” ancient Chinese calligraphic works and paintings given by Hong Zhang to them are counterfeits? Who should take the blame? Of course, Hong Zhang, originator of the fraud, should take the responsibility for this sin though those judicial and governmental officials, cajoled by Hong Zhang and Jieliang Zhang (Zhai Yujia) - super international swindlers, did neglect their duty, even violate the law. It is she who poisoned the lives of so many people! Bring Hong Zhang to justice!
And here, my anger is barely suppressible. As a direct victim of Hong Zhang’s frauds, I, on behalf of all of her victims, including those who will be put into jail due to exposure of her crimes, strongly urged for bringing Hong Zhang to justice.
张虹谨记:张虹和其父亲张一峰,迟早你们会受到该受的惩罚.你们害人也太毒歹了! 伤害帮助你们的所有人!换一个位置,如果你们母子被人这样骗,你们现在是什么心情?现在这件事情已经公布到互联网上,联邦政府高层也知道了,是否有个别官员受到牵连,大家拭目以待.
Hong Zhang! Also Yifeng Zhang (Hong Zhang’s father)! Bear in mind that you will surely be punished as you deserve to be punished sooner or later. You are too spiteful to injure a man who gave you too much help. Putting you in my position, if you and your son had been deceived like this, how would you feel now? Now, this matter has been published on the Internet, and has been known by senior officials of Federal Government. Everyone is waiting and seeing if there is any official involvement in the case.
In this IT era, any falsification is easily identified, much less for Hong Zhang and Jieliang Zhang (Yujia Zhai) who did so much evil. Can’t public indignation be outraged? Their sin is intolerable!