我读我读我读读读---[New Concept English 2] Lesson 1

The Soul Would Have No Rainbow If The Eyes Had No Tears.
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New Concept English 2] Lesson 1: A Private Conversation

昨天收到了小千的 QQH, 她给了我很好的建议 . 她说 , 如果想提高 wording ,第三册和第四册的新概念是非常好的选择;如果是想练习发音,应该从第二册开始。因为发音这个东西,就靠一点点的抠,才能慢慢的去掉,不然今天的错误就带到明天,后天,大后天 ...... 现在的问题,到了明年,还是同样的问题。短小的文章更容易帮助我们自己发现问题,便于我们集中精力去改进。

我觉得她说的非常好 ! 所以我决定先把第四册放在一边 , 从第二册开始练习 .

在此 , 也很感激小千的热情帮助 , 她立刻给我发了第二册的美音磁带录音 , 大大方便了我的练习 !

今天我就录了第二册的第一课 , 如有不足 , 请朋友们指正 ~~
Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. 'I can't hear a word!' I said angrily.

'It's none of your business,' the young man said rudely. 'This is a private conversation!'

1. 小千...千与千寻 于 2008-10-14
a. 先纠正几个基本发音小错误:
- lesson 我怎么听都是 lAssen
- woman 请一定去webster上查一下,这个音你发错了。
- In the end 的“the”在元音前面,发音变成“thE”.


b. 你也有我们中国人共同的毛病就是吞音,不过别着急,我们一起慢慢来吧。



- 比如:it's none of your business,none和后面的of之间,听着像吞音,但实际上是连读你没有读出来。none of是可以连读的。

- 最后一句话,it's a private conversation 的private后面,似乎有加了一个音,实际上你把这个te给念重了。它是清辅音,吐气就可以了,不要发出来,不然听着就像加了一个音。

- I looked at the man and the woman。。。looked at之间也吞了

- I could not bear it 最后的那个it听不见



1. 全文重读:

2. 部分错误重读:



-in the end

-I looked at the man and the woman

-I could not bear it

-it’s none of your business

-it's a private conversation
