2, 没有让艾悠悠代收,而是让一个非亲非故,看自己博客的网友代收,这表明他们艾米和AYY也许是一个人,或是一家人,live together, and share the same address.
3,they didn't mention whether they violated 66's copyright or not, nor did they prove any evidence, so..
汉代蜜瓜 发表评论于
tender 发表评论于
I just tried to leave a message in worldling's blog, and apparently she closed it! Oh well. All my words are gone now. Really hope she doesn't take it all to herself. Life is short. We should live for what's worth.
Thanks sweetmelon for keeping this post and hopefully she can hear the message.
才下山 发表评论于
真逗!才帮你认了罪,又单方面宣布了跟Dr. W 的夫妻关系。哈哈哈哈,大笑四声啊!
xiaoshan123456 发表评论于
Just went to 66's blog and left a message that A yuan posted her article word-by-word even without proving author's name and url.(66: 一个母亲的控诉) I don't believe they got her permission to copy her article.
Dare they prove us the evidence of getting her permission before they posted it? If not, I assume they didn't.