Schubert B. Wang 's Oil Paintings

Schubert B. Wang
Please click to enjoy: A Stroke of Genius Source: Zoumaduren
Please click to enjoy: Who is Zuomaduren Source: Zoumaduren

Schubert B. Wang is in the front rank of portrait artists from China. As a young child, he was already creating likenesses of people starting with a clay bust of his granduncle, one of the leaders of China in the 1940’s. By age 19, he had already won Best in Portraits Award in a region of 4 million people. He studied with leading artists, researched masters by extensive travel and participated in national exhibitions.

Later, he served as the president of the Society of Fine Arts of Beijing University and editor of the Palace Museum. In 1989, Wang earned a Master of Fine Arts at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

His illustrations have been featured in many publications and on TV. His paintings hang in both public and private collections, including those of former Vice President Al Gore and the former Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger, who praised his work as "remarkable". Calendars of his works have been published in more than thirty countries since 1994.

With more than 300 commissioned portraits to his credit, Wang defines the people he portrays by capturing a transient moment and making it extraordinary.

He is a member of American Society of Portraits Artists and gives workshops on both sides of the Pacific.

18" x 14", oil on linen
Artist: Schubert B. Wang

Light of Autumn
Lauren and Emma
42" x 50", oil on linen
Artist: Schubert B. Wang

Austin and Katherine
30" x 36", oil on linen
Artist: Schubert B. Wang

Girl in Red, "Mon"Alison
31" x 27" , oil on linen
Artist: Schubert B. Wang

Monica 36" x 30", oil on linen
Artist: Schubert B. Wang

36" x 24", oil on linen
Artist: Schubert B. Wang

30" x 24", oil on linen
Artist: Schubert B. Wang

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I did not see your messages until now. Thank you.

Have a nice day,

任我为 发表评论于

you are so sweet.

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来源: [ 美语世界 ] 走马读人 于 08-10-07 12:03:07