有个老朋友,有排没联系了,只知道她去了她老公在的那个国家。这次不只是探亲,是辞了原来的工作,变卖的东西,带着一切能带的东西去的。本是希望跟老公长期团聚,做个人出来,然后好好享受一下天伦之乐。因为她身份还没有办好的,所以她是拿学生签证先过去的。 以前,她在老公那探完了亲,回来了两个月处理了所有的事情,然后赶开学再过去的。前两天在MSN碰到,她跟我打招呼才知道,结果就这区区几十天呀,一切都天翻地覆。 他老公要离婚,表面理由是她的身份办不好,实际上是另有了人。这虽是叫个快,可能还不算出奇;出奇的是,他居然堂尔皇之地让那个登堂入了室,她倒成了有家没得回,只能住在学校里。 她说她问过有关的人员,她有没有权利赶那个人出去,结论居然是,她不能,因为她不是屋主。她说,其实他也不是屋主,住那不合法的,如果她举报,他就没得住,作为一个基督徒,她不能这么做。 他们现在一月见不了一次面,最近一次见了,她说她觉得他比以前老了很多, 憔悴了,不像有女朋友的人。她说,他还是含情默默地看着她,说要离婚的最主要原因还是她的身份问题,还在说什么最爱的是她。 于是,我跟她说: Sorry, I'm not Christian; I can't understand the whole case from the Christian way. I'm not you, I can't understand from your way. But, from my point of view, no matter how much he says he loves you, no matter how much you saw from his face as if he loved you, you CAN NOT trust him. If his love is to do what he has done and what he is doing, I won't call that love at all. 说真的我的心里真有种莫名的愤慨,我不知道这世上怎么就有这样的人,怎么就有这样的事,以DAN的话说就是,Home come the world is so crazy?! 我很想知道,她作为一个合法妻子,家(不管住的房子的所有权是谁的)被人占了,在一个西方国家,她就真没有个合法的途径赶占领者出门吗?我记得中国以前有重婚罪一说的,现在呢?在西方,那是只违道德,不违法吗?
longhairr 发表评论于
Thank you very much, 不识得.
I have let Dan read your comments and pass them to his brother and Mom. So far, they don't know any patient support group in Montreal, but I agree with you that there must be something similar there. Hopefully, we will find some soon.
不识得 发表评论于
Big warm hug to you, longhair!
I'm not a doctor, but I have a close friend living with 红斑狼疮. Some patient with 红斑狼疮 can still have very good quality of life, but some can suffer a lot. It can cause organ failure to some patients (for example, kidney failure). The treatment of 红斑狼疮 can cause other disease to a patient.
Dan's brother will need a lot of support from his family, and this support can be long term as well. There must be a 红斑狼疮 patient support group in Montreal. They would provide a lot support to the patient and family. I know my friend is a regular participant in that kind of support group. She has been living with 红斑狼疮 for more than twenty year now.
Be very careful with those on-line Chinese Hospital support. Most of those hospitals are private and they are for profit. The real good experts should normally be very busy dealing with real patients in their hospital. They don't have time to hang on the network.
Hope Dan's brother's case is not too serious. All the best!