本来一直在心里嘀咕是否应该投票赞成婚姻就是一男一女。前几个礼拜,下班后看到大门口留下了两个反对同性恋的宣传海报。想想一定是教会的朋友送来的。我就顺手把他插在我的院子前面。车来车往的相当醒目。我这一插,第二天,我们这一排邻居有五六家也都跟着插上了。开车经过,好一片景观。可惜,没有几天,一个早上起来跑步,发现所有的旗子都不见了。我的一位老美邻居,是个退休的老头。告诉我,那天他把那个小伙子给逮着了。同时打电话把警察也叫来了。以后几天报纸上常有报导,反对同性恋的宣传旗帜经常被移走。我的心里很不高兴。每个人有每个人的表达自己选择的自由。在没人看见时偷偷的把反对意见的旗子拿走,这种见不得人的心态就反应出来了。几个礼拜前,南湾的一个住家也是同样的被同性恋的支持者把他插在院子旗帜给拿走了。他一气之下,就自己做了一个大的海报,高高的贴在房子的墙上。第二天门前就停了一辆面包车。玻璃窗上写了三个英文字“Bigots Live Here”。我还特地查了一下字典。原来这个“必溝”的意思就是不能忍受不同意见的人。这家主人,打了电话叫了警察。后来查出来车主是两个女同性恋。警察给了三天期限,她们必须把车开走。到了第三天早上,这个车主出现了,把车窗的字给洗掉了,也把车开走了。
回复capricon的评论: I strongly agree with you. You are a good mother. I think that marriage is about two peoples who want to grow old together and love each other. The particular gender, I don't see it falls into this category. BTW, I am a mother with a kid. I have been talking with my kid on the gay subject. I am not afraid that she would have a bad judgment just because the gay education in school, as the yijibang says. I think it is good thing for our kids to embrace the natural of the world.
capricon 发表评论于
To monday11:
I am a mother of an 11-year-old boy. If someday he tells me that he loves a man. I would say, "Go ahead, for your happiness." I think there are two issues here: 1, love means acceptance, unconditional. I love my son, so I want him to be himself and to be happy. 2, what is marriage? It is a big topic. I am not an expert, but I believe that it will undergo continuous examination, both legally and morally, as our society develops ...
laojie 发表评论于
奥,我对你被偷了牌子很同情的。我的奥巴马牌子被偷了两个。第三个安全渡过大选日。我一个邻居的 for gay marriage牌子被偷了, 其他麦-佩和反gay marriage的没被偷。
Here is a true story I heard about 20 years ago when I was in college. A professor at NJU, who is a gay but got married and had a kid. He and his wife happened to work at the same Department. He got married because of the pressure from his parents. I am not sure today but 30-40 years ago if are over 30 yrs old and still single, people surrounding you will view you as a stranger. As he is gay, he is of course still attacted to men after the merriage. He met a man in those gay getterting palces and they falled in love. One day his wife found his secret interset when happened to seeing him and his lover on their bed when going home to pick up some things. She reported this to the department head, so you know what's going to follow......
What I want to point out is the marriage hurts at least three parties: the professor, his wife and their kid. This ia all becasue of the discrimination to gay peoples. W/o the discrimination, they didn't have to get married under those pressures. We should stop the discrimination and let Gays have the same right such as the marriage that 异性恋 have.
I don't worry about homosexuality overpowers the traditional marriage. It's not at that level yet. I worry about our teenage children get misled and believe marriage is between anyone who likes each other regardless of the gender and relationships. Also, people can do wired things they like inside their homes; that doesn't bother me. But, I have problem seeing two men "married" with each other forming a family then adopt children to educate the children that homosexuality is a normal thing. This is like you give someone the right to force you see gay movies... Let the majority people make that decision.
Unfortunately, scientific evidences have shown that homosexuality exists in many animal species. However, only a small percentage has the homosexual tendency. You don't need to worry about homosexual activity overpowers the other end of the spectrum. On the contrary, homosexuality is a mysteriously natural way to prevent over population of any species.
靈小抓 发表评论于
Gay and bisexual, trust me, I know, I am part of the minority world. Bisexuals are naturally attracted by both men and women. Again, for a totally straight person, he or she will never get a boner to the same sex. There is nothing to do education. You can try. But if the natural instinct is born with the person, good luck to the education and suppression.