rhapsody on a theme of paganini - variation 18,my favorite!但是强烈推荐听听原汁原味的,我找了一个ILYA ITIN的版本
狼来了! 发表评论于
落花飘零妹妹,推荐另一首非常好听的“Declan galbraith - An Angel”给你,希望你喜欢。特别是遇到不顺心的时候,遇到PATIENT走了的时候,能更坚强。
Fog_Rain_Thunder 发表评论于
看见楼下有人推荐somewhere in time的主题曲,忍不住上来说两句.因为它实在是太好听了.当时也是因为先听到这首曲子,被震撼住才看的电影.电影中还有另外一首曲子也是一样的感人: Rachmaninov的rhapsody on a theme of paganini - variation 18.两首曲子做曲相隔四十多年,却相映得极好.一首感觉是从倾慕到激荡到离去,另一首感觉是从淡定到澎湃到平静,颇有片中男女主人公之感.有时自己哼哼的时候会疑惑起来,自己在哼哪一首呢?
流沙随风 发表评论于
dadaland 发表评论于
纵然平行 发表评论于
Sunshadow: I am not sure that your comment was intended to address me, so if there a misunderstanding from my end, please forgiven me.
Well, luckily, there is no money involved here, otherwise, your presumption would cost you a bundle :). The fact is I did watched Korean Movie “时越爱"/ "触不到的恋人” in 2001 (thanks to my grandma who is a big fan of collecting Korean movies and TV shows) , but I couldn't finish watching it, partly because the pace of the movie is too slow and leading man 李政宰 is not on par with 全智贤 even the movie has a interesting plot line, and the dialogs are overlapping alot. I also watched "无间道" in 2003 , for that one, I liked it.
Hoping I didn't offend you or anyone here. Gee, what is wrong nowadays, everyone seems having a loaded gun and being trigger happy. Somehow, I felt like WXC has become some sort of “war zone”. Without a warning shot, someone starts to shoot at me for no justified causes, and a joking comment may lead to minefields and get my arms and legs blown away :).
Before you guys “kill” me, can I have my last wish ? Can your guys loosen a little and appreciate a sense of humor ? :)))
纵然平行 发表评论于
落花飘零: Hey, no sweat, your response was in the projected “trading range” though, thanks still, :). And I'd also agree with you on that the taste of music or movie or any format art and literature is a quite personal thing, often it is influenced by our background, education, life experiences, period of time and more. So in your defense, by not doing something that you see no value is certainly a better route than churning some words out which could miss the ideas or relevancy.
The point I tried to make in previous comment is not about my personal likings of movies or a piece of song so to speak. It is about how to see the invisible links between Death, Life and Love from a vantage point. the clips of movie or song is just the media to to be utilized for clarifying the clouds over these elements.
Regarding to my confidence index , last time I checked, the level appears ok even though major market indexes are in turmoil. But, thanks for your friendly reminder, I'd recalibrate it again, just in case there are any insecureness and shyness :))
BTW, I have no interests to extend further trivial argument, if winning bear costs of hostility and unwise time-consumption I'd prefer to lose. :(.
As a resident doc with a good heart , without doubt, your intention is to save your pts' lives in all available avenues. Sometimes, you and your colleagues might have done everything possible to prolong someone‘s life, unfortunately, in the end, some of those pts still died, regardless. It is understandable that some of these unsettling experiences might indeed sadden, traumatize you, or even shake your core beliefs to some extent. For instance, when the code was called, a pt was in asystole, you and the rest of “resurrection” team exhausted all the options, from defibrillation to injection of adenosine, etc yet, the pts’ organs were too frail to response; or at the moment, you and your attending were standing by a dying pt and debating if she should be “trached” or leave the code as it was; or when you were ready to sign off a pt‘s death certificate, you were spooked by screen showing the heartbeat line was not flat rather wobbly, occasionally spiked in a brief run as if it was a regular rhythm because of residual CPR compression, even the pt had already gone. To the point, no matter you like or not, you may have to deal with death ,expected ones or sudden ones at your work,. So what you could do about it in terms of battling those haunting loses ?,I think , I could be wrong, you should look beyond these deaths and truly enjoy each day given and little “privileges” that you may have taken granted such as walking on the snow, feeling rain on your hands, laughing out loud , loving someone and being loved… after all, neither modern medicine nor a roomful of expertise nor good intentions can be the remedies to the death, but in my own opinion, only to live and live joyfully can, especial after you have witnessed many deaths.
I'd like to point out that the singer who sang “Angel” in the clip was Sarah Mclachlan. Her voice has some unique flavor. Because this movie and this song, I wonder if you could kindly honor me for a small request, post the following video clips together in your blog if you have time,and you don't mind. For a specific incident, I'd made a vow for not writing in my blog anymore :( .
One of the reasons that I'd like to bring this up is because these two video clips touched two seemingly thorny subjects – love and death. It is kind of interesting to watch two deferent persons created two video pieces using some song “ Song for a Winter's Night” by Sarah Mclachlan’s 2006 album depicted two movies which I believe you have watched; but because of deferent interpretations, love and death were rendered in each creator's own way. My thought is that at a winter night, maybe, all of us, young or old, male or female could create our individual clip in own mind for love (wild, subtle, brief or long-lasting) and death encountered in our lives, pondering in width and depth of for true meaning of these two topics.
It is true, so many things I don’t know, yet I think I do have some good grips about love and death. It is my conviction that death is unavoidable and love has the captivating power that makes a life worth to live.
As a footnote, I am fully aware that you are the rightful owner for your own blog, it is ultimately your choice to make the decision to ensure the materials would be deemed to be fit for your artistic view or ideology . However, whatever you'd decide I'd respect that. :).