WSJ Wealth Report: Rich Cut Back on Payments to Mistresses危机之下 情人掉价
Robert Frank
You know times are tough when the rich start cutting costs on their mistresses.
According to a new survey by Prince & Assoc., more than 80% of multimillionaires who had extra-marital lovers planned to cut back on their gifts and allowances. Still, only 12% of the multimillionaire cheaters said they plan to give up on their lovers altogether for financial reasons.
据Prince & Assoc.的最新调查显示,逾八成拥有婚外情人的百万富翁已经计划减少给情人的礼物开支及生活费了。不过,只有12%的花心大佬说他们会因为金钱方面的原因和情人彻底说拜拜。
Rich people are getting hit, and they’re all expressing the need to curtail unnecessary spending, said Russ Alan Prince, president of Prince & Assoc., a wealth-research firm based in
Prince & Assoc.是康涅狄格州一家专门面向富有人群的调查公司,总裁罗斯·艾伦·普林斯(Russ Alan Prince)说,经济危机正在冲击富有人士,他们均表示需要削减不必要的支出,其中就包括花在情人身上的钱。
Of course, any study of millionaires and their mistresses should be taken with a large grain of salt. The survey a subset of a larger wealth study polled 191 individuals with a minimum net worth of $20 million who said they had lovers of at least a year or more (this to screen out the one-night stands, etc.). About two thirds of the respondents were men and one third women. All were married and all had personal control over their finances, meaning the women and men surveyed were the primary wealth holders in their homes.
The most surprising stats in the study relate to gender and what might be termed length of service. Fully 82% of men in the study said they planned to lower the allowances to their mistresses, while more than three quarters planned to provide fewer gifts, less expensive gifts and fewer perks, like jet rides, resort vacations and top restaurant meals.
Women were far more generous to their paramours in the face of financial crises. Less than 20% planned to lower allowances, gifts and perks, while more than half planned to raise them.
Susan Shapiro Barash, who teaches gender studies at
在Marymount Manhattan College教授性别研究课程的苏珊·夏普罗·巴罗什(Susan Shapiro Barash)说,在经济困难的情况下,女性比男性更珍视自己的情人。她说,在女人看来,既然生活的其他部分已经如此令人沮丧了,爱情就变得无比珍贵;而对男人来说,他们只会通盘考虑问题,想着能省就省。巴罗什还写有一本研究女性撒谎原因的书《善意小谎言背后的大秘密》(Little White Lies, Deep Dark Secrets)。
Ms. Barash added that women may value their lovers more today because their husbands are so miserable. If your husband lost his job on Wall Street and he’s miserable, you need the escape,§ she says.
The duration of the relationship also seems to play a role in the economics of high-end cavorting. The study found that more than two thirds of the millionaires who had been with their lovers for three or more years planned to cut back. That compares with less than half for those with a tenure of one to three years.
What we found in talking to the respondents is that the magic of the relationship with their lover fades after a while, so they’re more willing to let them go, Mr. Prince says.
The survey doesn’t mean to suggest that all, most or even a large minority of rich men and women have affairs. It simply is a snapshot of a certain sample at a certain time. Yet it suggests that in a time of financial crisis, it is better to be a kept man than a compensated woman.