Ho,Ho,Ho,..........................This time I am 100% right bet

10k JRJC Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 [大千股坛] - User67115(11 bytes ) (29 reads)2008-11-13

• I want to be next Buffett. Buy now, much better than Buffett [大千股坛] - User67115(0 bytes ) (1 reads)2008-11-13

• Margin level increase 50% now [大千股坛] - User67115(0 bytes ) (5 reads)2008-11-13

• Mkt order buy YHOO again [大千股坛] - User67115(0 bytes ) (3 reads)2008-11-13

• 我是第一次听到乌鸦唱歌,真的是喜事 [大千股坛] - User67115(16 bytes ) (24 reads)2008-11-13

• 不是乌鸦叫噢, 是乌鸦唱歌 [大千股坛] - User67115(0 bytes ) (1 reads)2008-11-13

• You can hold your today\'s buy utill see Double and Triple [大千股坛] - User67115(0 bytes ) (12 reads)2008-11-13

• Strong Buy LDK, Obama new goverment should support [大千股坛] - User67115(64 bytes ) (31 reads)2008-11-13

• Bought 10k URE Today, Worse over [大千股坛] - User67115(0 bytes ) (2 reads)2008-11-13

• Added YHOO 5k Again, target 22 buy out [大千股坛] - User67115(0 bytes ) (3 reads)2008-11-13

• Strong Buy Dry Bulk Shipper, Never wrong now [大千股坛] - User67115(73 bytes ) (50 reads)2008-11-13

• Added 10k OVTI and 10k MRVL Today [大千股坛] - User67115(0 bytes ) (2 reads)2008-11-13

• From now, Buy CAF,FXI,ACH,....When See dip [大千股坛] - User67115(32 bytes ) (33 reads)2008-11-13

• 8 年大牛市从今天拉开序幕 [大千股坛] - User67115(8 bytes ) (29 reads)2008-11-13

• 连我家外的乌鸦都在大唱大叫,喊快买啊,快买啊 [大千股坛] - User67115(22 bytes ) (11 reads)2008-11-13

• I succesfully all in at low and lower point yestoday and Today [大千股坛] - User67115(53 bytes ) (19 reads)2008-11-13

• This is What I said Yestoday night->Bull Mkt Start [大千股坛] - User67115(326 bytes ) (40 reads)2008-11-13

• I Bought Dry Buld Shippers-->DRYS,EXM,TBSI,DSX at today low [大千股坛] - User67115(0 bytes ) (2 reads)2008-11-13

• But Dry Buld Shippers-->DRYS,EXM,TBSI,DSX at today low [大千股坛] - User67115(0 bytes ) (4 reads)2008-11-13

• EXM this qtr earns > $2.6, PE • OVTI almost trading at cash level, Revenue > 800M [大千股坛] - User67115(53 bytes ) (35 reads)2008-11-13

• BUy and hold for several day [大千股坛] - User67115(0 bytes ) (15 reads)2008-11-13

• Please 不要非理性低价出售你的资产 now [大千股坛] - User67115(114 bytes ) (206 reads)2008-11-13

• All fund will buy CAF,FXI from now [大千股坛] - User67115(45 bytes ) (56 reads)2008-11-13

• LDK already 100% booking next year order!!!!!!!! [大千股坛] - User67115(0 bytes ) (8 reads)2008-11-13

• Like I said, INTC already priced in the warning already [大千股坛] - User67115(40 bytes ) (29 reads)2008-11-13

• YHOO can still be alive, Yang can be a CEO still [大千股坛] - User67115(22 bytes ) (28 reads)2008-11-13

• MSFT may like to pay $22 for YHOO search engine part [大千股坛] - User67115(39 bytes ) (65 reads)2008-11-13

• 不要非理性低价出售你的资产 [大千股坛] - User67115(23 bytes ) (454 reads)2008-11-12

• 中国给全球大熊敲警钟。资本也是有价的 [大千股坛] - User67115(0 bytes ) (152 reads)2008-11-12

• Stock market up six to 1yr before economy bottom out [大千股坛] - User67115(71 bytes ) (177 reads)2008-11-12

• I just post my forecast in QD, China A shares Jump 30Point [大千股坛] - User67115(0 bytes ) (17 reads)2008-11-12

• 从今起全世界的金银财宝都望中国运送!!!!! [大千股坛] - User67115(37 bytes ) (201 reads)2008-11-12

• 从今起全世界的金银财宝都望中国运送!!!!! [大千股坛] - User67115(0 bytes ) (10 reads)2008-11-12

• Buy Dry Bulk Shippers tomorrow because China [大千股坛] - User67115(44 bytes ) (241 reads)2008-11-12

• Before Today, US down, China Down, US up,China Down [大千股坛] - User67115(133 bytes ) (432 reads)2008-11-12

• China 1Yr Bear Market Terminates Today!!!!!!! [大千股坛] - User67115(0 bytes ) (37 reads)2008-11-12

• Future Recovering and Jump Upppppppppppppp [大千股坛] - User67115(0 bytes ) (55 reads)2008-11-12

• China Bull Market resumes and leads Would recovering [大千股坛] - User67115(40 bytes ) (104 reads)2008-11-12

• Intc warning is not a big deal, stocks priced in already [大千股坛] - User67115(73 bytes ) (201 reads)2008-11-12

• Next Big Bull Market will start from Tomorrow!!!!!!! [大千股坛] - User67115(79 bytes ) (248 reads)2008-11-12

• I bought LSI,IDTI,OVTI,YHOO,URE,UYG,QQQQ,..... again [大千股坛] - User67115(40 bytes ) (68 reads)2008-11-12

• This is bottom --> YHOO 33 only trade 10+, INTC 20+ trade 13+ [大千股坛] - User67115(73 bytes ) (169 reads)2008-11-12

• Increasing my Margin Buy into 30% now [大千股坛] - User67115(95 bytes ) (111 reads)2008-11-12

• My buy positions built up from Nasdaq 1490 to 2070 [大千股坛] - User67115(333 bytes ) (309 reads)2008-11-02

• If you cut loss yestoday, Your loss could be forever [大千股坛] - User67115(0 bytes ) (15 reads)2008-10-28