1. 画皮 Paint Skin

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( 2008年10月由北京:中国书籍出版社出版)







2008 年 1 月 18 日 美国纽约


( 前言)

聊斋是我的圣经。身居海外,常有上帝的信徒问我是否读过《圣经》,我便会脱口而出此言,以示答复。此言一出,震惊四座。其实此言并非耸人视听。幼年听聊斋,少年读聊斋,青年钻聊斋,壮年译聊斋。一言以蔽之:一生迷聊斋。这就是我的聊斋情结。浓浓的聊斋情结使我不喜欢被夸张变形的聊斋故事。这些年流行“恶搞”,诸如:李白是 “大唐第一古惑仔”,孔子是 “怀抱理想的丧家狗”,诸葛亮是 “中国最虚伪的男人”,司马相如是 “骗财骗色还包二奶”的歹徒,黛玉葬花是 “行为艺术”,梁山一百单八将是 “恐怖分子”,五花八门,不一而足。





2007 年 9 月 13 日 ,聊斋经典之作《 画皮》作为开山之篇首发在美国英语论坛上,立即得到论坛版主及网友们的热烈回应: 网友 YuGong 第一帖:“先说声谢谢。另找时间再拜读。”第二帖:“宋先生,太好了。 有文言文和注解,加上白话文,读起来方便多了。”版主林贝卡:第一帖:“ 精彩:既可以学古文,又可以学英语,感谢你。” 第二帖:“你的古文功底和中英翻译都很精彩,得向你学习,感谢你的分享。” 网友 edrifter 跟帖:“ My hat off to you for taking on such a project. Thanks. (进行这样一项工程,我向您致敬。谢谢。)” 2007 年 9 月 17 日 发出《 聂小倩》(人鬼恋),之后,版主林贝卡立即回帖说:“读了你的(人鬼恋),就想起了英语歌曲:不了情( Unchained Melody )”,并随即附上了英语歌曲:《爱情的故事》( Love story )视频,以及 英语歌曲:不了情( Unchained Melody )视频。网友 cbweixin 跟帖:“狂顶你的聊斋系列,又学古文,又学英语!” 网友 YuGong 跟帖:“谢谢。从这些作品里面,不单可学文言文,英语,似乎还可读出一些哲理 。”《席方平》发表之后,网友 YuGong 跟帖:“这是一项大工程! 谢谢。并祝中秋快乐!”所有这些跟帖都表明,蒲松龄的《聊斋志异》颇得海外华人青睐,只是因为读文言文困难才没能读进去。

我采用的体例是分段处理。每段都是:原文、注释、白话、英译,个别篇章在通篇译文之外另发自己的翻译体会,大多是结合具体文章谈汉英翻译技巧的,如《梦狼》另发《千姿百态悬垂句》及《词小学问大的“说” 》 ;《伍秋月》另发《填补空缺,充实语意》 ;《香玉》另发《古诗英译初探》。凡是需要注释的语言点,先在原文中打上 * 号,再在注释里按顺序号排列。由于原著段落绝大多数都显得太长,如果译成英文会加倍地长,这样不便对照。于是我就打乱原来的自然段落,而是根据长度和句意分成许多小段,如《莲香》等篇章就是这样处理的。这主要是为了方便读者对照。即便如此,有不少段落还嫌太长。不过不能再短了,否则也成了另一种方式的“恶搞”了。


译者:宋德利 2008 年 1 月 16 日 美国纽约

目录 contents :

1. 画皮 Paint Skin ( p.3 )

2. 聂小倩 Pretty Girl and Lonely Soul (p.12)

3. 云翠仙 Punishment (p.27)

4. 黄九郎 Gay and Fox (p.39)

5 . 席方平 Netherworld Sue (p.52)

6. 婴宁 Giggling Girl (p.67)

7. 连琐 Rebirth of She-ghost (p.90)

8. 莲香 Fox and Ghost (p.103)

9. 连城 Flesh Medicine (p.125)

10. 王六郎 Fisherman and Ghost (p.133)

11. 田七郎 True Man and True Friend (p.143)

12. 马介甫 Hen-pecked Man (p.156)

13. 小翠 Repay Kindness (p.179)

14. 陆判 Change Head (p.94)

15. 红玉 Red Jade (p.207)

16. 娇娜 Kindhearted Fox (218)

17. 庚娘 Legendary Heroin (p.230)

18. 梦狼 Dream Wolves (p.240)

19. 伍秋月 Revenge-aiding Fox (p.250)

20. 香玉 Flower Goddess (259)


聊斋译话( 1 ):千姿百态悬垂句 (p.281)

聊斋译话( 2 ):词小学问大的“说” (p.286)

聊斋译话( 3 ):填补空缺,充实语意 (p.288)

聊斋译话( 4 ):古诗英译初探 (p.292)

1 .画皮

Paint Skin

1 .


太原王生,早行,遇一女郎,抱襆 * 独奔,甚艰于步。急走趁之,乃二八姝丽 * 。心相爱乐,问:“何夙夜 * 踽踽独行?”女曰:“行道之人,不能解愁忧,何劳相问。”生曰:“卿何愁忧?或可效力,不辞也。”女黯然曰:“父母贪赂,鬻妾朱门。嫡妒甚,朝詈而夕楚辱之,所弗堪也,将远遁耳。”问:“何之?”曰:“在亡之人,乌有定所。”生言:“敝庐不远,即烦枉顾。”女喜,从之。生代携襆物,导与同归。女顾室无人,问:“君何无家口?”答云:“斋耳。”女曰:“此所良佳。如怜妾而活之,须秘密勿泄。”生诺之,乃与寝合。使匿密室,过数日而人不知也。生微告妻。妻陈,疑为大家媵妾 * ,劝遣之。生不听。


1 .襆:同“袱”,包袱。

2 .二八姝丽:十六岁上下的美女。其中“二八”即算术的二乘八,二八一十六,这便是“二八”姝丽的来源。姝:美女。读“书”。

3 .夙夜:早夜,天未亮。

4 .媵妾:古代诸侯嫁女所陪嫁的姬妾。就是后来世人说的使唤丫头。媵,读“硬”。




There was a scholar named Wang in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. Going

out one early morning, the scholar saw a lonely girl hurrying on her way

with a bundle in her arms. She was walking with difficulty. Wang fastened

his steps and caught up with her and found a very beautiful young lady in her.
“ Why are you walking alone at early morning?” asked Wang, admiring her very
“You are a passerby, you can’t help me to dispel my anxiety. I don’t
think it’s necessary for you to ask.”
“What are you anxious about? Maybe I can help. Please do not refuse my
“My parents are very greedy for money and sold me as a slave girl to a rich family.
Jealous of me, the mistress quite frequently abuses me in the morning and
beats me at night. Unable to endure anymore, I’m going to run far away and
hide out.”
“Where’re you going then?”
“How can you expect a runaway girl to have a stable destination?”
“My humble home is not far away. Come with me if you don’t detest and
The girl was very happy and agreed with him. Wang carried her bundle and
led her to his home. “Why don’t you have a family?” finding no one at
home, she asked.
“Here’s only my study,” Wang replied.
“This is really an excellent place,” said the girl. “If you pity me and
want to save me, please don’t let out the secret.”
Wang gave her a promise and then slept together with her. Hiding her into
a secret room, no one knew anything about it within several days. Later on,
Wang gradually disclosed something about it to his wife Chen. And Chen
doubted the girl might be a concubine of a rich family and persuaded him to
repatriate her. But her husband refused her advice.

2 。


偶适市,遇一道士,顾生而愕。问:“何所遇?”答言:“无之。”道士曰:“君身邪气萦绕,何言无?”生又力白。道士乃去,曰:“惑哉!世固有死将临而不悟者。”生以其言异,颇疑女;转思明明丽人,何至为妖,意道士借魇禳 * 以猎食 * 者。


1 .魇禳:镇压邪祟叫“魇”,去除灾变叫“禳”,均属道教法术。魇,读“厌” 音,禳,读“攘”。

2 .猎食,愿意为“猎取食物”,这里是指俗话“骗吃骗喝”,“骗饭吃的”。




Out into a market occasionally, Wang met a Taoist priest accidentally who was looking
at him with great surprise.
“What did you meet?” the Taoist priest asked.
“Nothing.” said Wang.
“You are enveloped by evil air and why do you say no?”
The scholar tried every means to speak in vindication of his answer.
“What a pity! In this world, there should have this sort of stupid people,
” said the priest. “His death is coming near but still refuses to come to
his senses.”
The priest left.
Wang felt the priest’s words quite strange and started to suspect the
girl. But he thought better of it. She is obviously such a pretty girl. How
could she be a demon? The priest must be a cheater swindling money from

3 .

无何,至斋门,门内杜,不得入。心疑所作,乃逾垝垣 * ,则室门亦闭。蹑迹而窗窥之,见一狞鬼,面翠色,齿巉巉 * 如锯。铺人皮于榻上,执彩笔而绘之;已而掷笔,举皮,如振衣状,披于身,遂化为女子。睹此状,大惧,兽伏而出。急追道士,不知所往。


1 .巉巉:本指山高险峻。巉,读“缠”。这里指女鬼的牙齿长而尖利。

2 .垝垣:残缺的院墙。垝,坍塌,读“鬼”。垣:外墙,读“原”。




A few minutes later Wang came back in front of his home. But the gate was
locked from within. He could do nothing but go into the compound by wall
scaling. Yet the study was also locked from within. He then cautiously
tiptoed to the window and peeped through a narrow chink.
Good Heavens! What Wang found should be a ferocious demon with a green
face and saw-shaped teeth. After putting a human skin onto the bed, the
demon began to paint it with a colored brush. Having finished, he dropped
the brush onto the floor and lifted the skin just like a jacket. After
draping the skin over his body, the demon turned into an extremely
beautiful young lady.
Seeing this, Wang was in a great panic so that he crawled out just like an
animal. Most hurriedly he tried to search for the priest whom nowhere to be
seen, however.

4 。


遍迹之,遇于野,长跪乞救。道士曰:“请遣除之。此物亦良苦,甫能觅代者,予亦不忍伤其生。”乃以蝇拂 * 授生,令挂寝门。临别,约会于青帝 * 庙。生归,不敢入斋,乃寝内室,悬拂焉。一更许,闻门外戢戢有声,自不敢窥也,使妻窥之。但见女子来,望拂子不敢进;立而切齿,良久乃去。少时复来,骂曰:“道士吓我。终不然宁入口而吐之耶!”取拂碎之,坏寝门而入。径登生床,裂生腹,掬生心而去。


1 .蝇拂:蝇甩子,又称拂尘;用马尾(读“以”,马尾巴上长而硬的毛)之类制成的拂子,用以驱赶苍蝇,俗称马尾甩子。旧时道士经常拿着它。

2 .青帝:据《周礼。天官。大宰》“礼五帝”贾公彦疏,中国古代神话中有五位天帝,而青帝就是其中之一,是主宰东方的天帝。后来道教供奉五帝为神,称东方之帝为“苍帝”。而“苍”就是青色,包括蓝和绿,所以“苍帝”又叫“青帝”。




Searching everywhere, the scholar found the priest at last in the wild
fields and knelt down before him for help.
“Please allow me to merely expel it,” said the priest. “It’s not easy
for him to live, anyway. I really don’t have the heart to kill it and
would like to find someone to replace it if I could.”
The priest gave Wang a duster and asked him to hang it on the outside
doorframe of his bedroom. And at parting, they made an appointment to meet
together in a Qing God Temple.
Wang didn’t dare to enter his study when he came back and had to stay and
sleep in his bedroom with the duster hung on the outside doorframe.
At the first watch of the night, Wang heard some noise outside the door
but didn’t dare to take a furtive glance. He just asked his wife to peep.
His wife saw a girl coming and looking at the duster. The girl didn’t dare
to enter and just stood there gnashing her teeth in deep hatred. Standing
there for a long time, she left but came back again in a few minutes.
“The damned priest just wants to frighten me,” she cursed. “How can I
willingly disgorge something I should eat!”
Taking down and tearing the duster into pieces, the girl broke into the
bedroom and directly climbed onto Wang’s bed. Pulling his chest open, she
tore off his heart and took it away.

5 。


妻号。婢入烛之,生已死,腔血狼藉。陈骇涕不敢声。明日,使弟二郎奔告道士。道士怒曰:“我固怜之,鬼子乃敢尔!”即从生弟来。女子已失所在。既而仰首四望,曰:“幸遁未远。”问:“南院谁家?”二郎曰:“小生所舍也。”道士曰:“现在君所。”二郎愕然,以为未有。道士问曰:“曾否有不识者一人来?”答曰:“仆早赴青帝庙,良不知。当归问之。”去少顷而返,曰:“果有之。晨间一妪来,欲佣为仆家操作,室人止之 * ,尚在也。”道士曰:“即是物矣。”遂与俱往。仗木剑,立庭心,呼曰:“孽魅!偿我拂子来!”妪在室,惶遽无色,出门欲遁。道士逐击之。妪仆,人皮划然而脱,化为厉鬼,卧嗥如猪。道士以木剑枭其首 * ;身变作浓烟,匝地 * 作堆。道士出一葫芦,拨其塞,置烟中, 飗飗 * 然如口吸气,瞬息烟尽。道士塞口入囊。共视人皮,眉目手足,无不备具。


1 .室人止之:妻子把她留下了。室人,妻子。止:留住。

2 .枭其首:砍掉它头。

3 .匝地,在地上旋绕。

4 . 飗飗:嗖嗖。读“溜”。




Wang’s wife Chen cried. Coming in and lighting the scholar with a
candle, the maid found her master dead with his broken chest terribly
Chen frightened but didn’t dare to cry loudly. Next day she asked Wang’s
brother Er Lang to tell the priest what had happened.
“In the first place I wanted to show it my pity.” The priest said
angrily. “But the monster should dare to behave like this.”
The priest followed Er Lang to the study but the girl had already
“It’s lucky that it hasn’t fled far away. Whose family is that in the
south compound?” raising his head and looking around, the priest asked.
“Mine.” Er Lang said.
“It’s in your house,” said the priest.
Astounded, Er Lang didn’t believe.
“Are there any strangers coming alone?” asked the priest.
“I don’t know because I went to Qing God Temple this morning , ” said Er Lang.
“Let me go back home and ask my family.”
He came back very soon and said to the priest, “Sure. In the morning an
old lady came and asked for a job as a maid. My wife took in her and
she is still there.”
“That’s it.” The priest said and followed Er Lang.
With a wood sword in his hand, the priest stood in the center of the
“You monster! Pay for my duster!” the priest shouted.
Terribly frightened in the house, the old lady opened the door and wanted
to escape. The priest pursued and attacked her. The old lady fell down and
simultaneously her human skin came off noisily. She turned into a terrible
monster immediately crouching on the ground and howling like a pig. The
priest cut off its head with his wood sword and its body changed to a heavy
cloud of smoke which revolved and turned into a heap on the ground.
The priest took out a gourd and removed the cover and then put it into the
smoke. The gourd was just like a mouth to absorb air. In a twinkle the
smoke disappeared. The priest covered the gourd and then put it into his
bag. They looked at the human skin and found a full line of human organs such

as brows, eyes, hands, legs and so on and so forth. The priest rolled the skin and

a sound could be heard just like that of a painting scroll.

6 .

道士卷之,如卷画轴声,亦囊之,乃别欲去。陈氏拜迎于门,哭求回生之法。道士谢不能 * 。陈益悲,伏地不起。道士沉思曰:“我术浅,诚不能 * 起死。我指一人,或能之,往求必合有效。”问:“何人?”曰:“市上有疯者,时卧粪土中。试叩而哀之。倘狂辱夫人,夫人勿怒也。”二郎亦习知 * 之。乃别道士,与嫂俱往。


1 .谢不能:推辞说无能为力。谢:谢拒,推辞。

2 .诚不能:实在不能。诚:实在。

3 .习知:熟悉,熟知。习,因常常接触而熟悉。




Putting the skin into his bag, the Taoist priest was going to leave. Just
at this moment Wang’s wife Chen knelt down in front of him crying and
asking for a skill of restoring the dying to life. Expressing sorry to her,
the priest said he didn’t have this sort of skill.
Becoming much more sorrowful, Chen just kept kneeling and refused to stand
up. The priest mused for a moment and said, “ my knowledge is too
superficial to restore any dying to life, but I’d like to recommend you a
person. Maybe he can help. If you are willing to ask him for help, there
must be a striking effect.”
“Who?” asked Chen.
“There is a madman in the market. Sometimes he lies in muck,” said the
priest. “Suppose you can have a try to give him a kowtow and implore him
for help. If the madman insults you, please don’t be angry.”
Er Lang knew this very well and said good-bye to the priest and then went to the
market urgently together with his sister-in-law.

7 .


见乞人颠歌道上,鼻涕三尺,秽不可近。陈膝行而前。乞人笑曰:“佳人爱我乎?”陈告之故。又大笑曰:“人尽夫也 * ,活之何为?”陈固哀之。乃曰:“异哉!人死而乞活于我。我阎摩 * 耶?”怒以杖击陈。陈忍痛受之。市人渐集如堵。乞人咯痰唾盈把 * ,举向陈吻曰:“食之!”陈红涨于面,有难色;既思道士之嘱,遂强啖焉。觉入喉中,硬如团絮,格格而下,停结胸间。乞人大笑曰:“佳人爱我哉!”


1 .人尽夫也:人人都可以做你的丈夫。《左传。桓公十五年》 :“人尽也夫,父一而已。”意思是:人人可以做你的丈夫,但父亲只有一个而已。

2 .阎摩:即阎王。

3 .盈把:满满一把。盈,满的意思。




When they got there they saw a mad beggar wildly singing in the street
with nasal mucus three feet long. It was simply too dirty for anyone to
step up to him. But Wang’s wife forced herself to crawl forward.
“You beautiful woman love me?” asked the madman.
Wang’s wife Chen told him all about her story.
“Everyone can be your husband,” he laughed. “Why do you want to restore
the dead one to life?”
Chen persisted in imploring, the madman then said, “It’s strange! Her
man died but she asks me to restore him to life. Could it be said that I’m
Nether King?”
Extremely angry, he gave her a good beating with his walking-stick. Chen
gritted her teeth and swallowed the insults in meek submission. Gradually
gathering, passersby had simply become human walls.
The beggar coughed out a handful of sputa and raised it to her mouth.
“Eat it!” said the madman.
Her face turned red with embarrassment and reluctance, yet she thought of
the priest’s words immediately and thus forced herself to swallow it. She
felt that something as hard as a lump of wet cotton which was going down
her throat with bumpiness and finally stopped and silted up at her chest.
“The beauty loves me!” the beggar laughed and left without giving her
even one single glance.

9 。


遂起,行已不顾。尾之,入于庙中。追而求之,不知所在;前后冥搜,殊无端兆,惭恨而归。既悼夫亡之惨,又悔食唾之羞,俯仰哀啼,但愿即死。方欲展血敛尸,家人伫望,无敢近者。陈抱尸收肠,且理且哭。哭极声嘶,顿欲呕。觉鬲中结物,突奔而出,不及回首,已落腔中。惊而视之,乃人心也。在腔中突突犹跃,热气腾蒸如烟然。大异之。急以两手合腔,极力抱挤。少懈,则气氤氲自缝中出。乃裂缯帛急束之。以手抚尸,渐温。覆以衾裯 * 。中夜启视,有鼻息矣。天明,竟活。为言:“恍惚若梦,但觉隐痛耳。”视破处,痂结如钱 * ,寻 * 愈。


1 .衾裯:被子。裯, 单被。读“绸”

2 . 钱:古铜钱。

3 .寻:很快,不久。




Wang’s wife Chen picked herself up at once and hurriedly followed the
madman into the temple. She wanted to catch up with him so as to ask for a
help, but his whereabouts was unknown.
Trying her best to search everywhere, yet it was strange enough that the
beggar should completely vanished. Fail to find any auspices, she felt much
ashamed, yet could do nothing but turn back with deep sorrow and hatred.
Heavily struck either by the tragic death of her husband or the extreme
humiliation of eating the madman’s sputa, bending forward and backward,
she wailed and wanted to die right away.
She was going to rub the blood off her husband’s body and put the remains
of her beloved into a coffin. Yet all members of the family, except for her
self, only stood by and watched with folded arms. No one dared to draw
near. Chen grasped Wang’s remains and put his bowels in order.
She cried so sorrowfully with a hoarse voice that she suddenly wanted to
vomit. And she felt something hard in her diaphragm abruptly came out of
her mouth. Allowing no time for her to turn back her head, that hard lump
had already fallen down into Wang’s thorax. Startled, she had a look and
found that it was a human heart which was leaping and steaming!
Greatly astonished, she hurriedly closed and squeezed his chest with her
two hands. Since the hot steam would come out through chinks so long as
there was a little bit of relaxation, she hurriedly bound it tightly with a
piece of silk. Caressing with her hand, she felt the remains was becoming
warmer and warmer. Then she covered him with a quilt. At mid-night she
found Wang was breathing. And at dawn, Wang finally resurrected.
“All these were just like dreams.” Said Wang. “I felt nothing but a
little bit pain. That’s all.”
Looking at the wound, they found that some scabs were already formed as
hard as coins. Wang recovered very soon.

10 .






Author’s Commentary :
“How stupid the common peoples are! Clearly something is a monster, yet they think it a beauty. How confused the stupid people are! Clearly some people are loyal, but they think them crafty. But, if a man is infatuated sexy and tries to seek, at the end his wife will also eat others’ saliva willingly. Good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil. But the stupid and confused people refuse to be awakened. It’s really lamentable!”

(Translated from >)



书名: 聊斋志异 

作者: 宋德利编译 

出版: 中国书籍出版社 

ISBN 978-7-5068-1726-4

开本: 16

版次: 1-1

页数: 444


装订: 平装 

出版日期: 2008-10-01/>

定价:¥ 49.8







