This season\'s glorious colors inspire us to take our cues from the hues. Here are several ways to get out, and enjoy the reds, oranges, golds, and browns. They\'re what fall is all about.

Festive Fall Table Settings
Autumn touches of bittersweet, leaves, and gourds grace this Thanksgiving table.

Grow Your Designs
A bit of yellowing grapevine playfully tucked into a green vase gives the all-white dining room a sense of outdoor connection.

Elegant Table Settings
A vintage tablecloth with cutwork and embroidery in a leaf design is the base for an elegant table setting. Fresh flowers complement this motif.

Give Thoughtful Thanks
Cards on each plate invite guests to write down the things they are most thankful for this year. Use a leaf-shape hold punch to decorate the envelopes holding the cards. Wrap candles in pea pods, asparagus, or set them in hollowed out artichokes.

Name That Seed
Surround plain name tags with tidbits from nature such as acorns, leaves, and add in some decorated candies for dessert.

Tabletop \'Mumkins\'
Mum\'s the word when dressing up a pumpkin. To make these friendly faces, cut a lid and remove the seeds and pulp. Using a drill or nail, make holes just wide enough for the flower stems to poke through and insert the flowers.

Captivating Cattails
Anchor cattails with nuts in tall brown vases for vertical interest and rich, earthy tones.

Keep It Simple
Flowers and berries in fall hues are stunning in simple glass jars with water.

Rustic Wreaths
This wreath incorporates deep colors with traditional elements of fall to present a bright, nature-inspired decoration. Be sure to include plants from your local area to personalize your dècor.

Painted Pumpkins
Instead of carving this year\'s pumpkins, paint them with colorful designs that will last longer.

Lily Vase
White pumpkins make striking vases for fall flowers. Here, orange lilies and preserved fall leaves fill the front container, with cattails and berries behind in a second vase.