Please remember each individual is selfish, don't expect the CEO to lower his pay, that is NOT the board of directors want him to do. If he doesn't cut staff, he will be out of the post.
If he can manage the layoff, without too much problem from the staff, he will be the hero from the board of directors' view, and he will be the hero from stock holder's view.
How many times you see a company stock went up when the layoff arrounce? A lot. Everyone is selfish, don't blame the CEO, he is just doing his job to survive.
"....Only a few weeks ago, another Indian CEO, also an IIT Kanpur alumnus, was murdered in New Delhi. beaten by laid-off workers.
Siport, Sid Agarwal’s startup he founded 4 years ago, recently received an HD-radio-ready-certification for its single-chip HD radio receiver which is said to provide digital and analog FM performance for the mobile, tabletop and automotive aftermarket segments. The HD-radio uses digital radio signals over the same airwaves used by AM and FM airwaves. In a recent guest column, Agarwal talked of the opportunities in this growing segment and the need to hire good engineers. Ironically, a vengeful and a bad engineer did him in. ..."
AGREE!!!!!!!mmee is so naive and idiot:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so you think CEO gets high pay because of their contribution ??!! Come on you naive idiot, no wonder those greedy criminal CEOs can cheat people, it is because idiots like you trust their bull shit. tell me, if they are not so greedy how can we have today's Wall street problem, how can we have sub prime problem, how can we have this financial credit crisis ? Those CEOs messed up the company, messed up the market, they ran away with many many millions of dolars. And you think they get paid because of high contribution ? Then why are FBI and other law enforcement chasing them and put tem into jail ? Listen, it is not people are jealous of them, it is because they are criminals that should be punished by law an dput into jail.
GG2006 发表评论于
For a father of three boys and a 47-yr old mature Chinese, a merely layoff may not be adequate to trigger this extreme action besides just upset.
iamhereforfun 发表评论于
You are just partially correct. Both you and CEO have right to leave the firm at any time and at will. But, the difference is if the company fires you, you may get noting; if CEO is fired he will get millions or more. So, from the very beginning point you and CEO are set at completely unequal stages. For him, he can mess up the whole compnay and the consequence is company has to "pay" his "loss" by millions of $$ (really don't get what's his "loss"). But for you, even you don't mess up a thing, you can be fired for no reason. He is an elephant and you are an ant, and the elephant is telling the ant not to complain...
iamhereforfun 发表评论于
so you think CEO gets high pay because of their contribution ??!! Come on you naive idiot, no wonder those greedy criminal CEOs can cheat people, it is because idiots like you trust their bull shit. tell me, if they are not so greedy how can we have today's Wall street problem, how can we have sub prime problem, how can we have this financial credit crisis ? Those CEOs messed up the company, messed up the market, they ran away with many many millions of dolars. And you think they get paid because of high contribution ? Then why are FBI and other law enforcement chasing them and put tem into jail ? Listen, it is not people are jealous of them, it is because they are criminals that should be punished by law an dput into jail.
Agree w/ your points here except this is America, and who would care especially you're Chinese. It's a sad and brutal ending. Be honest, there might be more than what have been told by news. Let's see what's the insight.
Do not agree with you. Most, if not all the empolyment in the states is "at will", which means the empolyer can fire the empolyee anytime as long as it is not illegal, and empolyee can "fire" the empolyer anytime too. When you are hired by a company, just be prepared to be fired any time no matter you are CEO or operator. However, you can leave any time for a better empolyer. It is what makes the market economy so efficient.