Somehow, I can't type in Chinese in Safari. My daughter's name is also Anna. I have a very close friend. Her daughter M is a premie. M is 18 now. I have to say that she is a perfect girl. When she was born. She was only 1 lb. I visited her at ICU. She stayed at ICU for 11 months. M is graduating from high school this year. My friend quit her job in order to take care M. Mother and daughter are very close. They are closer than most parents. Best wishes to your Anna. She has a very bright future, no different than any other kids.
I have been trying to follow you and Anna's story for awhile, on and off. I found your blog first reading about the won ton story. That was really cute. Then I slowly realized how many things we have in common. I have 2 year boy/girl twins, they were born at 32 wk and 4 days. My boy stay in NICU for 5 weeks, 1 surgery. My girl was the strong one, she only stayed for 3 weeks and no surgery. They are both healthy like normal kids, except my boy is still smaller than other kids at the same age. We know we are very very lucky for not having much complications with them being born prematurely.
The other common thing, although, not quite common depending how you look at it. I'm married to a German too. That was how I found your blog because I was trying to find some German recipe for little kids. :)
I feel that my kids are stronger than me. Anna is a strong kid, and she will grow up just like her mom, strong, smart and loving.
Thank you for sharing your story. (The NICU experience is one that only the people have experienced it can feel it.)