昨天上班的时候,我的一位病人告诉我,她和她先生曾经和吴京华同租一栋房子,她先生更是吴在Santa Clara University 的同班同学和多年的老朋友,她和她先生都很惊讶吴京华能做出这样的事,从这位病人的描述中,我对吴有了一个大概的,进一步的认识。吴京华来自于四川省的一个小县城,天资聪颖,努力好学,七七年恢复高考后不久就以优异的成绩考入北大(他应该是七七或七八级的),北大毕业后不久,德国西门子公司在北京招聘工程师,当时几千人应聘,吴京华以其出色的表现被选中,继而被派到德国工作,六四前后他又被西门子公司派来美国工作,后来西门子裁员,他就去了“Santa Clara University" 进一步深造,拿到该校的硕士学位,先后在美国几家大公司工作,成为资深电脑工程师,可以算得上成功人士。在他就读 “Santa Clara University" 期间曾担任学生会干部,因为比大多数在校生年纪大,大家都尊称他大哥,他也的确有大哥的风范,很乐意帮助需要帮助的同学。在他刚被西门子裁员后,他还对朋友讲,“裁员没什么,大不了去餐馆干,正好利用这个时间读书”,在后来所经历的几次裁员,他都以乐观,平常的心对待,所以熟悉他的人都不能理解他为什么这次以如此激烈的犯罪手段对待裁员呢?
maybe, if you are superman, because there is a huge price you had to pay.
爱to 你的仇敌 is not equal to 爱 to your friend and family, I think, it mostly = forgiveness, or simplely not fight back.
You may forgive your 仇敌, but impossible to like your 仇敌
lumao 发表评论于
Thats correct, MM, I did exactly what you suggested. My defence is effective and approperate. My boss drop down the case finally. Everything move on.
I came home early today, very happy, cooking one dish after another...
One has to look at the big picture in life. Life may be hard at the moment but if you are able to look at the big picture, and if you are able to keep your faith, you will find that you are doing quite Ok on the balance. Compare to most people on this earth, Wu has had a fortunate life, from every angle. He let the greed and selfishness take over.
If you forgive your enermy, you are released from hatret.
lumao 发表评论于
回复ply的评论: it is connected,
why he will 失去理智 to kill? what might help him change mind at that moment?
lumao 发表评论于
I heard this also
If you lost your money,or your friend, you indeed lost a lot, but if you lost your faith, you have nothing left.
Faith, is the corner stone, just hang in there, and keep your hope in future.
Its not easy, business downside, high presure and stress at work, be strong and dont lost your heart
lumao 发表评论于
When I feel frustrated, or to be cornered by"enermy", I try to say thanks God for this. Trust God there is a reason and there will be a good plan behind this.
D.De Haan said, The lessons we learn from our failures are lessons that help us succeed, and if we are wise and we heed them, then failure is just what we need.