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亚特兰大好友慧电邮给我“25 Ways To Improve Your Health”(帮您改善健康的25点建议),特翻译并分享如下,谢谢慧。

 1.)Brush twice a day! 每天刷两次牙

 2.)Dress right for the weather. 穿适合天气的衣装


 3.)Visit the dentist regularly. 常去看牙医

 4.)Get plenty of rest. 足够的休息

 5.)Make sure your hair is dry before going outside. 出门前确保头发已干

 6.)Eat right. 吃的健康

 7.)Get outside in the sun every once in a while. 有时去户外晒晒太阳

 8.)Always wear a seatbelt. 坐车系好安全带

 9.)Control your drinking of alcoholic beverages. 限制含酒精的饮料

 10.)Smile! It will make you feel better. 微笑!这能使你感觉良好

 11.)Don't over indulge yourself. 不要暴食

 12.)Bathe regularly. 常泡浴

 13.)Read to exercise the brain. 通过阅读来锻炼脑子

 14.)Surround yourself with friends. 周围常有朋友

 15.)Stay away from too much caffeine. 远离多量咖啡因

 16.)Use the bathroom regularly. 常排泄

 17.)Get plenty of exercise. 多运动

 18.)Have your eyes checked regularly. 常去检查视力

 19.)Eat plenty of vegetables. 多吃蔬菜 

 20.)Believe that people will like you for who you are. 相信别人喜欢你的本色

 21.)Forgive and forget. 宽恕和忘记

 22.)Take plenty of vacations. 常出游

 23.)Celebrate all special occasions. 庆祝各项节日

 24.) Pick up a hobby. 培养一业余爱好

 25.)Love your neighbor as yourself. 爱人如己

Do all these things and you will be a happier, healthier person!


