今年偶家第一次办halloween party,准备outfit,carving pumpkin, cooking,trick&treat忙了一整天 Dinner后做游戏,输了后男生穿女生的outfit,vice versa 。此次照片和以前参加朋友的party照片一并烩上~!~
Witch Pumpkin,有生以来carved 第一个pumpkin, 手还疼呢, 轻砸

Red devil with tail

Such a Angel

Vampire catching pumpkin


Red devil with Pumpkin Soup

Monster playing Janga

Angel wearing Monster mask

Guy in Angel outfit when lost the game

Skull beauty

Wicked Luis

Red hair foxy

SOSOSOO Scary!!!!

LG playing pool with his office mate

Cereal (Serial) killer, LG\'s office mate wearing cereal boxed to be a serial killer,有创意呦

Witch & blue hair with plastic bottom

Vampire chatting with little devil

俺家party de 部分outfits

偶家Party 的
前餐是Butternut Squash Soup(Gordon Ramsey 的Recipe, 吼吼!)
主餐是Butter Chicken in 南洋 Tom Young source, serving with green peas
甜点是Black Forest.
Roasted Goat Cheese, Mushroom, Tomato, Ham serving with Green Salad