12:00PM 自己办公室 QA经理派个MM来敲门,说一份文件一定要我看过(review)之后,他们才放行。切,就算你们没有engineering的background(背景),这么多年了,也不能连PID Control 和P&ID不是一回事都不知道吧。这样的人在公司太多,还好意思拿着7,8万。既然你们求我,那就不客气了。没见我这正忙着(上网)吗?且快吃午饭了。 OK,MM手撑门框说我们等着,抛了个媚眼离去。收下媚眼,心跳如往常。耐心等着吧您呐。
12:30PM-1:30PM,公司餐厅+地下室(乒乓桌) 午饭吃的匆忙。公司里一个非华裔的小子居然来挑战乒乓球,还说要kick my ass(教训教训我)。哼哼,不给他点颜色,他都会以为中国小学校里那些水泥台子是晒煤球用的。没想到,几周不见,他苦练有长进了,我还输了一局,费了不少劲,才3比1赢了他,有一局还是14:12赢的。要上网看看马琳的发球了。
2:00PM-3:00PM,会议室 今天会议算少的,有时一天开的会比吃的餐数还多。是公司要买一个应用软件,在让软件开发商报价之前,我们内部要讨论用户要求(URS)。看来,大家都没事先准备啊。那我就不客气了,谁叫我昨天还看了两眼材料呢。指出了材料中一个错误,说了两个观点。这时,某部门经理跳了出来,此人系纯白人老美,不太学无术,但特能说,有时简直就是为了发言才反驳你。果然,他质疑我提出的要考虑Integration and Interface Capability(软件界面融合)的观点,说没必要。我解释不是每个应用软件都能接我们的ORACLE和SQL Server,并且能提供Crystal reports 和 Business objects的。这老兄还梗着脖子不服。想起上过的唯一一个公司付钱的Management Skill(管理技巧)的课:“The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it”(赢得争论的最好办法就是不去争论)。我就什么都不说了,趁 IT 部门经理给他扫盲的功夫,去咖啡间给自己泡了杯cappuccino,回来用BLACKBERRY看了两次股票,今天一路向下,股市不妙啊。正思索中,这老兄打断了我的思路,露出很白的牙齿说还是你说的对。我只能很外交的冲他露出三分之一没有他白的牙齿,说:“Sure, no problem,it takes time to understand details”(了解细节是需要时间的)。心里想:废话,我当然是对的。在你这些年练嘴的时候,我老人家还差4门课就再拿一个Computer学位了。不过,话说回来,要真拿到了,就可能去华尔街,编金融软件,现在也面临被裁员了。
isn't this sad? that's why i think most chinese who remain in the west these days are neither "too bad", nor "too good". they are good enough to survive in a developed economy, but they are not good enough to survive in the world's fastest-growing major economy (which happens to be their own home country)...
"Thank you for your work. I wish you all the best."
"The roses really made my day."
毛虫儿 发表评论于
littlekoshka 发表评论于
"Life is too important to be taken seriously." -- Oscar Wilde
I chuckled while reading this blog. The author has a sunny attitude and good sense of humor.(Also,good writing!) He enjoys his life. Let's not judge how others live their life the way THEY want.
I totally agree and understand what you write here.
You have a relax and good life after hard study and work, like most Chinese engineers here in the States.
秋曦云 发表评论于
AGAIN -“又想着发愁,自己怎么越来越没有远大理想了,愁着愁着就睡着了。"
real or fictional? if real, speechless, non-real, misleading.
GG2006 发表评论于
absolutely love it mate, tks.
双人艇 发表评论于
我先生早上7点上班。他6点45就到单位了。5点半我家闹钟一叫,他就像军人听到了起床号一样,毫不犹豫地从床上挑起,直奔茅房然后是澡堂,接下来是着装,吃早点。这个时候大约是6点10分左右。最后是必须要做的事情--玩一会扑克游戏在电脑上。大约6点40左右他离家去上班。他上班的地方离我家步行5分钟。他出门前总是重复一句话“I hate work!”
一生都在飞 发表评论于
Piping and Instrumentation Diagram - P&ID. 非华裔is not black boy, means "not Chinese". I usually don't play table tennis with Chinese co-workers, cause most of the time I lose the game.
WindFollower 发表评论于
plum8 发表评论于
I guess you are a Shanghainese if I'm not wrong, are you? You have kind of cold humour.
easyrude 发表评论于
what is P&ID? I know what PID is, but never heard of P&ID. Also I guess you need to practice table tennis a little more to kick black boys ass or avoid being kicked. :)
catree 发表评论于
mousa 发表评论于
Same here. 上班时情况差不多.
However, 下班 is a different story.
Google "animal shelter" in where you live, every city, county or township should have one. If you can't donate your time, you can donate cat or dog food, or even some used furniture, electronic appliances, volunteers will pick up from you, have a yard sale, and use the money for these little animals
pj 发表评论于
I don't think so.
I get up around 8:00AM every day, and get office at 8:45AM.
It depends how far away you live from your company
koalalala 发表评论于
也想去小动物收容所做义工, 请问如何申请呢?谢谢!
最后的酋长 发表评论于
pj 发表评论于
seems like the life in US is much easier than in China.
It's no surprise why economy is gloomy in US.
These guys are too lazy, but they want the most luxury life in the world. Then the Wall Street was born and has cheated the entire world for a century by so-called new financial theories.
The bubble is too big to support itself, and then people over the world have understood the US's trick which is that people in US consumed most of the world's surplus. All sectors in US are in recession except US mint.
I can bet the life in US could be much harder from now on.
Cookie她爹 发表评论于
Very good article. Sometime,I feel so guilty to relax too mcuh. After reading your article, I know it is not just me!
我们公司(80,000 people, 15B market cap global bank)管理严,从公司里不能上网查公共电子信件网站,但是美国公司不堵“新浪”,“文学城“,可以随便看。跟不懂中文的同事就说是中文技术网站。我们技术部从主管到员工一周可以在家上班一天,但不能全选星期五,星期一。轻松久了,人也懒了,一周不运动就胖一圈,只能靠晚上“加班“打扑克比赛来减肥。
Haha. Just a routine life for everyone of us. Only differency is I have family.
Are you working on Control/Mechanical engineering. There is no many people knowing about PID and P&ID. I have not met a lot chinese working on Control/Mechanical engineering. You must be one in a engineering consulting firm, I guess.
jjj7 发表评论于
Life in US is really relax and easy. I am in oil company and the working is a piece of cake. Only miss the excitement of the night life in China. Can not complain otherwise.
Are you Controls engineer? P&ID and PID .... We are the same work. I don't have Chinese software. I have to type English. Enjoy your work and life. Have fun.
I am in west coast LA. I work for a big co. around 20 years.