Bull markets climb a wall of worry (ZT)

An opposite proverb is: “Bear markets slide down a slope of hope.”


Wall of Worry

A phrase used to describe a bullish market trend occurring in the face of negative uncertainties. 

When stock prices are rising regardless of market uncertainties, the stock market is said to be climbing a wall of worry. These worries may include political or economic risks. Once the perceived risks have been resolved or have past, average market share prices tend to decline. 

Buy the Rumor, Sell the Fact:

85 Maxims of Wall Street and What They Really Mean

By Michael Maiello

Published by McGraw-Hill Professional


Pg. 19:

Bull Markets Climb a Wall of Worry

View the market as an amalgam of different and sometimes competing minds and it makes sense that though the overall sentiment might lead toward one outcome, powerful forces can temporarily pull it in another. The “Wall of Worry” behind every bull market is the group of bearish investors who are either shorting equities or constantly selling to take profits and who can cause severe dips during a long bull run.
