Annie Leibovitz
今天刚到的TIME(时代周刊)(December 8,2008 )登了著名人物摄影师Annie Leibovitz 回答摄影扇子们的10个问题。原来她也是自己练出来的。抄3个在这里:
Q: Do you think that formal photography training is necessary?
Annie: I was very lucky, in working for these magazines, to learn by doing, but I always regretted not having a formal education. I had to teach myself.
Q: I\'ve heard you\'re not easy to work for. Would you agree with that?
Annie: I\'ve heard that too, actually. I came from a place where I was working by myself, and as I started to use assistants, I couldn\'t understand why they couldn\'t see exactly what I was. I would be very frustrated. I\'m happy to say that I have a really great group of people now who\'ve been with me for a long time. They know that I\'[m pretty demanding.
Q: What can\'t be captured in a photograph?
Annie: A photograph is just a little, teeny weeny, small piece of life.
I fell like I see so much more than what I can actually get. I believe
strongly in the power of the still photograph; it can say so much, but
it really is just a small piece of what actually is going on.null