The New Dawn Is Here

I think, therefore I am. - René Descartes
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The presidential election finally comes to the end last night with Barack Obama’s decisive victory over John McCain, after the longest and the most expensive two years long, hard-fought campaign, all the ups and downs, the rises and falls throughout the primaries to the general election and all the way to the final election day.

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The country now has a new president. The country now is seeing the silver lining on the horizon as the new dawn is here. The country now can say good-bye with more comfort to the Bush’s administration.

The history is made, and it will never be the same thereafter. With the great victory of Obama, the son of a white Kansasian woman and a Kenyan immigrant from a small village, it marks the beginning of the new chapter of American civil right movement that set out by MLK 40 years ago, symbolizing the great maturity of American society. This can only happen in America, nowhere else. Every one living in this country should be proud of themselves for witnessing the making of the history.

Nonetheless, with the dire situation the country is in right now, Obama’s presidency looks grim and will face unprecedented challenges on all fronts. It won’t be an easy one. Hope he will not fail to live up to people's great expectations, and will bring the real change, and hope, to this country and its people.

God bless America!

There is not doubt that the presidential campaign is a political game, a big one if not the biggest. But, the nature of the game does not necessarily exclude some true and genuine feelings. I've found the following moments over the course of the election are emotionally touching:

  • The Republican presidential candidate John McCain’s concession speech last night is sincere, affecting, honest and respectful, demonstrating the different side of McCain, the true McCain, and ending his campaign with a gracious defeat. Same is true as when an old lady was murmuring, in a rally, that she doest not trust Obama because she thinks “he is an Arab”, McCain took over the microphone from her, shaking head in dismay in front of thousands of his supporters who were frenetically booing Obama, and said, “No. Ma’am. No. Ma’am. He is not an Arab. He’s a decent man.” 

  • When the story that Sara Palin’s teenager daughter got pregnant broke out and the press could not get enough of it, Obama calmed the media down by simply saying “my mother had me when she was 18.” Obama distinguished himself as a different politician with integrity and respect when he could have used the opportunity to his own political advantage. 

  • Obama’s grandmother, who helped raise him when he was a teenager, died on 11/2/2008, just two days away from the election day when she could see her cross-racial grandson being elected as the President of the United States. When giving a remembrance of his grandma and calling her a “quiet hero” in the rally held in North Carolina, Obama’s voice was steady and unshaken, but tears were streaming down his face. It was a heart-wrenching scene to watch.

edrifter 发表评论于

Hello, Suxiang! I did not get to watch the Opera's interview. Is that on her own show? I thought her show is on daytime. But, I did watch the evening news saying she finally "unleashed" herself after Obama's win last Tuesday night.

Wow! College football game. That's exciting. Hope you will have a wonderful time there. :-)
edrifter 发表评论于

Thank you, Fairy!

That's right. Hopefully Obama will put the country on a right track, not lead it to disappointment and regret.

Have a great weekend!
苏乡门地 发表评论于
BTW, did you get a chance to listen to Opera's comments when she was interviewed prior to the acceptance speech?

Her words are also nature and touching. I hardly had any time to watch her regular TV shows but I realized at that moment what a great inspiring lady she is.

Have a wonderful weekend! I am going to a college football game tomorrow believe it or not, haha.
fairy 发表评论于
good observation of the touching moment!

Hopefully a president with integrity will lead America onto the right road.