Thanks for the comment. Yes, "managable chronicle disease" is exactly the term. One pill a day (2 to 3 antirtrovirus combination) is really not bad when counting the pill number, although the side effect is still there, and neuro system HIV virus count may still be high even when peripheral count is unter detectable level. Not a whole lot of antiretroviral agents can cross BBB, and you need at least 2-3 agent with different mechanism to reduce the chance of drug resistance.
Not a benigh disease yet. Medical workers are still very upset for needle sticks.
I am not an expert in AIDS treatment. I am interested in the social effects.
冰天雪地08 发表评论于
The HAART regimens turned HIV infection from death sentence to a managable chronicle disease. Patients can take 1 pill per day now comparing to more than 20 pills three times a day 10 years ago.
Surviving 20+ yrs after infection is no longer a miracle. I believe the key to reduce infection is to identify people who are HIV+ without knowing it themselves to reduce unintended infections.
Sorry for writing this in English, not good at translating it into Chinese.