



Q2:"Christian have a whole different mind set"---how different? And why?




I think to understand Christinality, the most fundamental questions are do you believe Jesus, do you believe he is God? There are too much into this question, I am refer you to a book: the case for Christ by Lee Strobel, he is a Jornalist graduated from Yale law school, the book describe his investigation on the identity for Jesus, he started trying to prove Jesus was an illusion, ended up with the believe that Jesus is the Christ. You can buy the book on line, here is the link:

If you do not believe there is a God, and Jesus is the God, then discussions about christianality became a philosophical debate. I feel that is meaningless. The reason being Christian believe the bible, and there is a holy spirit guided the writing and assembly of the bible, so they are God's word even though He used human hand to finish the work. The teaching of the bible is either God's word or nothing at all. If Jesus is a lie, why should we believe anything the bible says?

For now I will just give you a very brief answer to your question:
1. The orginainal sin is also called "genesis chapter three problem". In genesis Chapter three, the serpent deceived Eve, and Adam, lead them to eat the fruit on the tree of knowledge. This is a sin because God had told them do not eat those fruits. As children of Adam and Eve, we are all sinful--- we all tend to dosobey God.

2. Because Christian believe after leave this earth, we are going to live in the new heavan and new earth with God, life in this earth is only a very small part. Just as we think give children little bit tough time will do children good, we look the life on this earth the same way. Tough times are supposed to lead us grow stronger spiritually.

3. The answer to the third question may vary with different Christian groups. Some people take the old testment word by word, some people think the old testment is meant to be a spiritual book, it deliver the idea, not necessary a factual story book. Afterall, evolution is only a theory, nobody was there to prove it, few experiments in the chemistry lab is far from prove. Alternative theory, such as intelligence design emerge in recent years. Science will progress over time, we have known very little about life at this moment. However, I live on this age, I need to decide for myself, is there God? As I read the new testment, I feel the story is very real, much more reliable than a impossible-to-prove scientific theory, so I chose to believe the former. Everyone has to make their own choices.

Feel free to contact me if you have further questions, it is nice talking to you.:)








2。“Because Christian believe after leave this earth, we are going to live in the new heavan and new earth with God”。

不幸的是:从来没有任何人(包括基督徒)能向世人证明这个“after life”和“new heavan and new earth” 的存在。这个“相信”是没有任何事实基础的。

同时,把“现世生命”和“after life”的关系作为一种哲学/人生观,不是基督教所独有的。别的宗教也有,比如伊斯兰教。

3。“Some people take the old testment word by word, some people think the old testment is meant to be a spiritual book, it deliver the idea, not necessary a factual story book.”


“Afterall, evolution is only a theory, nobody was there to prove it, few experiments in the chemistry lab is far from prove. ”

请告诉我,现代科学中,哪一个领域的理论不是“only a theory”?进化论和它们有什么不同而要遭受基督教/天主教徒的凶狠攻击?

现代进化论是有非常大量的科学证据所支持的。绝对不仅仅是“few experiments in the chemistry lab” 那么简单。这些证据出自于很多学科和领域,比如:分子生物学、古生物学、考古学、地质学、物理、化学、等等。

“Alternative theory, such as intelligence design emerge in recent years.”

说到“intelligence design”(智能设计论),这不过是一些搞科学的人在无法/没有看到科学答案时对宗教的投降的产物。这些理论除了举出一大堆事例来宣称没法用科学的办法来解释,只能用“上帝”来解释以外,什么有用的都没说。这样的“理论”,一言以庇之,实际上就是“科学无用论”的不同版本而已。跟当初的“读书无用论”一样糟糕,而危害还更大---因为它们要阻挡的是全人类的思想前进的步伐。当然,只是“螳臂挡车”而已。

“As I read the new testment, I feel the story is very real, much more reliable than a impossible-to-prove scientific theory,”



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yesIbelieve 发表评论于
I should have been a lot earlier, but...

I do not want to get into the detail today, but I say what described in the bilbe is history to me, not a religion. At about the the same period as Jesus, Alexander the great was consider a real person and his story was considered to be history. While Jesus's story, the bible have many more copies and there were more consistency amony the copies. Also Achelogical evidence suggests that what the bible described was true. Just one example, for many years, non-Vhristians questined the person who ruled the execusion of Jesus, pilot. Because the governor pilot was known to live at different time period. Only recent achelogical evidence shown the governor pilot did exist in Jesus's time as well, it was probably the son of the other pilot that people know.

Look, all these are from my memory, and I am too afraid I do not remember exactly right, that is why I suggest you go read the book.

I just want to say there are many many evidence, it all depends on if you believe ot not.

If you read the old testment, you will find God shown the Jewish people that HE is with them for many times, and right after the event, they believed that God was with them. Then they forgot...