回到座位上,突然有点郁闷,我的人生之简单可见一斑,连一个素不相识的人,都能猜测到我的习惯。记得sex and city里面有一集,女律师Miranda每个周末晚上都叫中餐外卖,都是一模一样的菜,有一次她打电话的时候,对方一听见她的声音,就说你是不是要这个这个还有这个。Miranda突然发现自己的生活已经单调到了一个从未谋面的人都能说出她要吃什么晚餐的地步。现在我真是挺能体会她的感觉。
Maybe he's the cafe owner's son and just want you to frequent the cafe. :)
落花飘零 发表评论于
hehe, i am way too conservative for 姐弟恋. as to the tip, it's pay in front cafe shop, really no tip involved, no matter how good looking or how much he remembers me, sorry, no tips,xixi
Appleflower 发表评论于
Haven't you heard that 姐弟恋 is popular these days. :) The other possibility is that he is hoping for you to give him a bigger tip. ;) In North America, most people like it when a server remembers their preferences. It's a sign of great service.
落花飘零 发表评论于
回复Appleflower的评论:appleflower is still the girl believes in fair tales, hehe. this boy is probably in his early 20's and totally not my taste. i do like dark skin guys though, esp italian/spanish
Appleflower 发表评论于
Maybe this great looking guy is interested in you and took notice of your preferences. ;) One of my friends always went to the same coffee shop several times a day and eventually ended up marrying a good looking guy who works there. ;)
落花飘零 发表评论于
陌生人留意不留意的,对我也没有什么,只是觉得人生非常predictable,对我来说不是很吸引人,否则当初也不会出国了,it's time to move again.