From Metro, Boston, December 5-7,2008
1. Love is a pair of Manolo Blahniks
London. A survey of British women suggests they are more attached to a favorite piece of clothing than they are to their husbands. The survey, for the BBC's Clothes Show, suggests women keep a favorite garment for 12 years and, on average, give their husbands the elbow after just 11.7.
评论: 如果英国女子说"丈夫如衣服"那是抬举了丈夫。
2.Lady in red
A woman wearing red is rated 18% sexier than those wearing other colors. She is also more likely asked out on a date and have more money spent on her during dating compared with the same woman wearing blue.
评论: Nothing further to say, just passing along the information.
3. Poll: Religion drove gay marriage ban
San Francisco. ...The ban drew its strongest support from both evangelical Christians and voters who didn't attend college, according to results released this week by the Public Policy Institute of California.
评论: I am not implying that evangelical Christians and voters who didn't attend college have any relationship. It's just a fact from poll.
4. Smile! You can pass on happiness
London. When you're smiling, the whole world really does smile with you.
A paper being published Friday in a British medical journal concludes that happiness is contagious - and that people pass on their good cheer even to total strangers.
American researchers who tracked more than 4,700 people in Framingham, Mass., as part of a 20 year heart study also found the transferred happiness is good for up to a year.
评论: I totally agree with the study, and I often feel better when I see someone smiling, to me or not. I am not sure though, that it could last for one year. Well, on a second thought, it could last for a whole life if the person smiling at me is extremely beautiful and charming.
5. Bernanke: Need to cut foreclosures
评论: Sure! Need this, need that, blar blar blar. But how?
6. Welcome to New Wild Boar Village a fascinating new book, The Atlas of True Names, the traditional names of the world's major cities, countries, rivers and mountains have been changed to reflect their etymological origins.
New York becomes New Wild Boar Village
Boston becomes St. Botolph's Stone
Philadelphia becomes Sibling Love
Chicago is Wild Onions or Skunk
Hamaii: Place of Gods
Israel: Struggling with God
Namibia: Place where there is Nothing

评论: 还没找到书中中国,或者China的真名。
7. Man framed for '65 murder is arrested
...who spent 33 years behind bars for a 1965 murder he and three others were framed for, has allegedly led an organization profiting from illegal gaming...
评论: 第一次被冤枉了,第二次还不知道。 What a life!