住院医生面试时该问什么问题? (by Dr. 二餅)

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住院医生面试时该问什么问题? (by Dr. 二餅)
::: 栏目 :::
◇ 现代医学vs中医
◇ 生物医学人物
◇ 国内外医学交流
◇ 中外医学网站精选
◇ 住院/FELLOW单位
◇ 社会、艺术与医学
◇ 医学书籍照片及图谱
◇ 社会与医学瞬间定格
◇ 医学典故/医史杂谈
◇ 医学新进展及新闻
◇ 中美医学临床教育比
◇ 美加医学院申请及MC
◇ 医学科普及问题解答
◇ 医生就业、工作及生
◇ Fellowshi
◇ 住院医生生活和工作
◇ 申请和面试住院医生
◇ USMLE/专科复习和考
◇ 力刀美国医学教育专

发信人: knockingdown (麦地撂M倒), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: Re: The role of Chief residents
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Nov 28 12:16:05 2008)

我IV时,总是先吃饭,然后再Hospital tour,吃饭时resident就滔滔不绝,我觉得基
本都了解的差不多了。Hospital Tour时觉得再问类似问题有些犯傻,看来还是每个人


What is the call schedule like? Is it home call or hospital call?

Which parts of the program do you like the most?

What is the relationship between residents and faculty?

Do you have time to attend conferences?

Do residents have any difficulty finding jobs?

Would you choose the same program if you could do it all over again?

Do you have time to enjoy yourself outside of your job?

What contact will I have with faculty and how often?

Who teaches – senior resident, attending, both? Do you feel you have the
opportunity to teach as a senior resident?

What are the types of clinical experiences I can expect?

Is it difficult to obtain consults from other services?

Have graduates felt comfortable performing all necessary procedures by the
time they graduate?

What is the patient population like?

How often do social events occur? Any activities of special interest to

What if there is a problem, will the program stand up for the resident?

How are shifts done? What is their length? Advance from days to evenings to
nights? Time off?

Are there any away electives? Where?

What is the one thing you would improve at this program if you could?


【 在 diarrhea (二餅) 的大作中提到: 】

The questions during the interview are different. I had one from Beijing
Medical Univ. Whatever she ask or answer the questions, she was extremely
suitable. But most of interviewees don\\\\\\\'t have good questions what I asked \\\\\\
any questions?\\\\\\


※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 146.203.]

发信人: diarrhea (二餅), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: Re: The role of Chief residents
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Nov 28 17:15:55 2008)


发信人: docrockville (docrockville), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: The role of Chief residents
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Nov 26 18:27:47 2008)

Always make them happy, because they can be more open to you than faculty.

A chief resident is right now very interested in helping me get prematch at
her program, also in helping me get me chances to shadow at her hospital.

I am a chief resident now. More than 50% of interns and residents make me

I am happy to answer. But obviously, you don\\\\\\\'t know internal medicine
resident program at all.

What is the call schedule like? Is it home call or hospital call?
Bad question. Never ask.

Which parts of the program do you like the most?
Great question! Always ask.

What is the relationship between residents and faculty?
Good question but ask using another way.

Do you have time to attend conferences?
Bad question. What conferences? morning report or noon lecture or national

Do residents have any difficulty finding jobs?
Bad question. When you board certified, jobs are looking for you!

Would you choose the same program if you could do it all over again?
Bad question. Too aggressive.

Do you have time to enjoy yourself outside of your job?
Good question. Ask!

What contact will I have with faculty and how often?
Good question but ask using another way.

Who teaches – senior resident, attending, both? Do you feel you have the
opportunity to teach as a senior resident?

What are the types of clinical experiences I can expect?
Bad question.

Is it difficult to obtain consults from other services?
You don\\\\\\\'t need to ask.

Have graduates felt comfortable performing all necessary procedures by the
time they graduate?
Good question.

What is the patient population like?
Great question! No one asked me this question. It is very important!!!

How often do social events occur? Any activities of special interest to
Bad question. 3rd yr will tell you.

What if there is a problem, will the program stand up for the resident?
Bad question. Too negative.

How are shifts done? What is their length? Advance from days to evenings to
nights? Time off?
Bad question. You must know before you ask.

Are there any away electives? Where?
Good question. I did in an excellent program.

What is the one thing you would improve at this program if you could?
Good question but ask using another way.

Many Chinese residents/interns are short of EQ.
They are excellent about passing USMLE and ABIM.
They work hard.
But they don\\\'t know hospital politics.
Most of them haven\\\'t seen any TV show or movie, haven\\\'t read any American
novel for a long time. When they talk, the taste is just like a cup of pure
water. I mean Many Chinese residents/interns haven\\\'t involved to American

You may ask whatever you want during hospital tour. The 2nd or 3rd residents
answer your questions. Usually you will have your impression about the
program: Are residents happy? PGY3s show you everything!

The questions during the interview are different. I had one from Beijing
Medical Univ. Whatever she ask or answer the questions, she was extremely
suitable. But most of interviewees don\\\'t have good questions what I asked
any questions?\\

If you can convince PD that you may contribute to the program, you don\\\'t
waste your time. One held the database certification, I strongly recommended
to my PD. PD said \\I would definitely put this candidate high in ranking

Regarding prematch in Internal Medicine: The more prematch, the worse the
program. If the program is good enough, zero prematch. If you love prematch,
go to Brooklyn. Their interviews are about GC and prematch, but you make
sure you are strong enough (mental and physical).

Regarding 99/99. I suggest my PD focus on 85-95. Most of 99/99 have some
problems on interpersonal skills. Don\\\'t be upset. We have 2-3 99/99s every
year. NO exception!

The key for interview: Show yourself a mature, educated normal person!

Everyone gradated from China can pass the USMLE and board. If you persistent
, you will make it. I matched when I graduate 20 years from medical school.
Why did I wait so long (or waste time)? Who gave me GC? Who gave me the
? It needs time.

I would change my post to
If you want be a successful physician in USA,
First, you are a business man.
Second, you are good at politics.
Third, you are a qualified physician.

But I don\\\'t agree that情商方面我们女同学们学起来比较快???

EQ is genetic. You can\\\'t learn, esp you are 30 years old.
I had a \\lecture\\ for Chinese female residents/interns in our program
regarding EQ. They are excellent persons with compassion,enthusiasm
and diligence. They are at least 90/90 plus PhD/MS. But they don\\\'t know
hospital politics and business. We can discuss later.

※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 67.85.]

发信人: diarrhea (二餅), 信区: MedicalCar

标 题: Re: Re: The role of Chief residents
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Nov 28 17:15:55 2008)

If you want be a physician in USA,
First, you are a business man.
Second, you are good at politics.
Third, you are a qualified physician.
Pass the board is much easier compared to practice.
You will learn hospital politics when you start your residency. You\'d better
ask 力刀兄 regarding hospital politics. I love his posts.

Everyone gradated from China can pass the USMLE and board. If you persistent
, you will make it. I matched when I graduate 20 years from medical school.
Why did I wait so long (or waste time)? Who gave me GC? Who gave me the
? It needs time.

I would change my post to
If you want be a successful physician in USA,
First, you are a business man.
Second, you are good at politics.
Third, you are a qualified physician.

But I don\'t agree that情商方面我们女同学们学起来比较快???
EQ is genetic. You can\'t learn, esp you are 30 years old.
I had a lecture for Chinese female residents/interns in our program
regarding EQ. They are excellent persons with compassion,enthusiasm
and diligence. They are at least 90/90 plus PhD/MS. But they don\'t know
hospital politics and business. We can discuss later.

发信人: USMedEdu (US_CMGs), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: The role of Chief residents
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 29 22:04:38 2008)















“...if you ask enough questions, strange as they seem at the time, you
may eventually learn something worthwhile.

The first trick of asking questions is to determine if your question is
a good one. Just because a question has never been asked doesn\'t make it
good. Smart people have been asking questions for quite a few centuries
now, so many of the questions that haven\'t been asked are bound to yield
uninteresting answers.

But if you can question something that people really care about and find
an answer that may surprise them---that is, if you can overturn the
wisdom---then you may have some luck.”

cited from: Freakonomics-- A rogue Economist explores the hidden side of
everything by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner



【 在 diarrhea (二饼) 的大作中提到: 】
: Many Chinese residents/interns are short of EQ.
: They are excellent about passing USMLE and ABIM.
: They work hard.
: But they don\'t know hospital politics.
: Most of them haven\'t seen any TV show or movie, haven\'t read any American
: novel for a long time. When they talk, the taste is just like a cup of
: water. I mean Many Chinese residents/interns haven\'t involved to American
: culture.

发信人: knockingdown (麦地撂M倒), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: The role of Chief residents
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 29 22:51:43 2008)


不能太不靠谱,让回答着觉着是在和外星人说话 何止面试,任何时候都是如此的。

【 在 USMedEdu (US_CMGs) 的大作中提到: 】

The first trick of asking questions is to determine if your question is
a good one.


※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 72.80.]

发信人: acne (麦地米虫), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: The role of Chief residents
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 29 23:18:07 2008)


【 在 drhedgehog (麦地小刺_) 的大作中提到: 】
: 如果我只符合第三条,再加上一条”a good person with compassion,enthusiasm
: diligence,我能在美国成为一个好医生吗?(我曾经毫不犹豫地认为我能;现在
: 此贴,我得好好思考一下了。。。)
: 谢谢你为我们这些还在门外挣扎的CMGs做的一切!你跟老刀一样让我敬佩!
: better


※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 75.34.]

发信人: diarrhea (二饼), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: Re: Re: The role of Chief residents
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 29 23:24:41 2008)

To knockingdown

What is the relationship between residents and faculty?
Good question but ask using another way.

To what extent are faculty involved in teaching? and how?

You can ask PGY2 or PGY3 this way, but never ask PD. May be: Are teaching
attendings approachable?

What is the one thing you would improve at this program if you could?
Good question but ask using another way.

Is there anything that you feel can be improved through your own effort?

What kind of change will you expect in next three years?

※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 67.85.]

发信人: diarrhea (二饼), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: Re: Re: The role of Chief residents
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Nov 30 00:03:03 2008)



When they ask questions about the program, you immediately know this
candidate never had American clinical experience. But you may find
observership 6 month in his/her CV.

English. I have many CMG candidates (>95,>95). Their English are so so.
Accent is not a big problem, esp in big NY area. The problems are: Use short
and clear sentences; Questions and answers based on culture; and how to
show your strong point using clear and simple English.

Body language. Another big problem. Body language based on your confidence,
experience and your reading. You can learn from movie,TV, daily life.

※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 67.85.]

发信人: benpu (麦地大奔), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: Re: Re: Re: The role of Chief residents
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Nov 30 01:00:49 2008)


I would suggest you to rephrase the Q in this way if asking PD:

into which direction you\'d like to push your program?

or: which part of program will you emphasize the most in next couple years?

actually similar to the Q where will you see yourself in 5 yrs?

I would suggest you guys read through the most common IV Qs such as the
Snowflake posted several weeks ago. Some of them can make good Q for PD
programs as well.
to Diarrhea: thanks for your input. This IS the weakest link of CMG, and
I am happy to see the improvement under instructions from kind ppl like
to Acne, you are smart :-) the one who has 1+2 but no 3 is the worst
scenario for sure, but he might be a good leader instead of a good physician

※ 修改:·benpu 于 Nov 30 01:07:25 2008 修改本文·[FROM: 24.131.]

发信人: Wangking (pig), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: The role of Chief residents
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Nov 30 23:18:30 2008)

【 在 diarrhea (二餅) 的大作中提到: 】
: Many Chinese residents/interns are short of EQ.
: They are excellent about passing USMLE and ABIM.
: They work hard.
: But they don\'t know hospital politics.
: Most of them haven\'t seen any TV show or movie, haven\'t read any American
: novel for a long time. When they talk, the taste is just like a cup of
: water. I mean Many Chinese residents/interns haven\'t involved to American
: culture.

Very good point.

I just realized the issue, and I am trying very hard to change. Last month,
my chief and one of attending asked me to have dinner with them. I didn’t
hesitant to accept the two invitations. Now I am trying to understand
football and watch at least two popular movies every month, and brief read
newspapers daily.

※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 66.32.]