Santa Parade 2008

Auckland's Annual Santa Parade was on Sunday 30 November 2008. 

I thought it would be a lot of fun and so we went.  At the end, it seems mom-in-law enjoyed the most, as possibly she was exposed to the western style of celebration for the first time.

A lovely day with a shining sun and with such a big crowd hardly ever seen elsewhere.  Kids, having facial paintings, were excited and literally applauded at each float marching by.  Parents, some carrying their toddlers on the shoulders, were screaming along.

Kong Fu Panda made its stage.  The China's national treasure is somewhat sending a message that no one can ignore - "China is getting stronger".  We don't care about the fact the movie itself is produced by Holywood masterminds.

SkyTower is still a major feature of the famous Queen Street which has recently been upgraded to have wider pedestrian and comfy rest-places.

The bright red baloons really lift the mood - Santa Claus is coming to town.

The pirate ship reminds us of the successful triology "Pirates of the Caribbean".  I am not a big fan of the movie as J is, but the pirates on this ship are having a good time "dividing the found jeweleries", "waiving the sword" and "threatening to kill the spectators".
