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Minstrels a Christmas Poem by William Wordsworth

吟唱圣诞诗     作者:威廉华资沃斯(英国)    倚门译本

The minstrels played their Christmas tune 吟游诗人弹奏着圣诞曲调

To-night beneath my cottage-eaves; 今晚在我茅舍屋檐下

While, smitten by a lofty moon,    月光笼罩

The encircling laurels, thick with leaves,  月桂树圈绕着,叶子丰茂

Gave back a rich and dazzling sheen,   印着充足,耀眼的光彩

That overpowered their natural green.  遮蔽了它们的自然绿

Through hill and valley every breeze 穿过山丘,峡谷,每阵风

Had sunk to rest with folded wings: 都已折叠羽翅,低垂停歇

Keen was the air, but could not freeze,空气清凉,但没有冻结

Nor check, the music of the strings;  乐弦也不曾停止

So stout and hardy were the band      乐队几多强健

That scraped the chords with strenuous hand.热心的手拨开琴弦

And who but listened?--till was paid  是谁在听 -

Respect to every inmate's claim,      每个人的心曲得到倾听

The greeting given, the music played   给予问候,音乐播放

In honour of each household name,      每个家居者的名字

Duly pronounced with lusty call,       都充分地,欢呼满溢地

And "Merry Christmas" wished to all.  



