

片子长了点,大约1。50分钟,非常的BORING。但内容很好,值得一看。影片的名字:The World According to MONSANTO。 如果你们已经看过此片的,请谈谈你们的看法。





是部新纪录片,对美国孟山都公司的名誉发起了另一轮剧烈冲击。美国孟山都公司是全球最大的化工公司之一,也是全球90%转基因作物的种子技术的提供者。这部名为“孟山都公司眼中的世界”的法国纪录片由独立导演Marie-Monique Robin执导,



Shocking World By Monsanto - Must see!!! - Part


Milk The Deadly Poison WATCH THIS!!!


How to Monopolize Food - Monsanto Style part 2 of 2


ASPARTAME - Monsanto Bioterrorism - Rumsfeld


aspartame poisoning from chewing gum

Aspartame and What it does to your children and you!!!


Monsanto: Extinction



 This is important for all of us to know, if we wish to retrieve control of our very sustenance from a corporation with a demonstrated history of not caring at all about the effects of their products on the public.

Those interested in Monsanto may also wish to see:
Monsanto kills Fox News story of their BGH hormones in your milk - HQ version
youtube(dot)com/watch?v=Z0AL4y ml3bw
Monanto ....they are good at defoilaging too....agent orange...works with gov't on the failed war on drugs....makes money off misery of others!....a seed company now...shit
In a sense it does exist. It is the post-communist world. After the Berlin Wall fell, Bush Sr. came up with it. The NWO = capitalist, globalized world as previous, but WITHOUT the obstacle of real existing Left, etc. Nowadays we also call it 'neoliberalism'.
The term (concept?) 'NWO' Bush Sr and his neocons (the same as today) took from German Nazi jargon. I believe that Dr Joseph Goebbels used it in his diaries.
Many British and US politicians have used Nazi jargon AFTER WW2
terryphi (7 months ago) Show Hide
But isn't that a failure of free-market (or controlled in this case) economics, and not capitalism?

Fascism is defined to be where individual will in subjugated to the state (or collective). Neo-Liberal market domination is not fascism. It may be neo-colonialism or something, but it's definitely not fascism. We'll never get anywhere without using the language right.

Your making a categorical error by calling capitalism fascism. Capitalism is just private property ownership. not a social thing 

Maybe we need to formulate new words to express what's happening.

Corporations have become more powerful than the governments they are supposed to be regulated by. They heavily influence and sometimes even author legislation which benefits them and not the people.

The government would like to corporately privatize everything: farms, roads, schools, utilities, hospitals, you name it. . .

Corporations have the land, the food, the oil, and soon the water.

What do you want to call it?

Corporations have become more powerful than the governments they are supposed to be regulated by. They heavily influence and sometimes even author legislation which benefits them and not the people.

The government would like to corporately privatize everything: farms, roads, schools, utilities, hospitals, you name it. . .

Corporations have the land, the food, the oil, and soon the water.

What do you want to call it?

Safe huh? Genetically modified tomatoes were being tested to see if the they were safe. Mice were used. The mice refused to eat the tomatoes, so the researchers used stomach washes. The mice developed cancers. The answer? Stop the research and hide the results

The Earth has been so corrupted due to greed and the desire to control everyone on the planet. We will not make it as a species unless some outside help reverses this. I don't see how reversal can happen since the critical mass on Earth is shrinking not growing. The Hope Indians say we are accelerating towards a solid wall of self destruction. Prayer and 。。

Thanks so very much for this wonderful story. I'm proud of the fact that there are filmmakers like Marie-Monique Robin and news services like TheRealNews who stand up against companies like Monsanto, who do unscrupulous things like poison us and the environment in order to make a buck. You really told the story in a very clear, concise and complete way. Thanks again.

Monsanto already has sued Farmers in West Canada for having used Monsanto seeds that the wind blew by accident into these farmers land.
That shows what the future is going to be by MONSANTO Monopolizing the production of "Genetically Modified Seeds" and all the detrimental consequences of Playing GOD with the original Seeds found on Earth since the beginning of time.All this Sciences is nothing by Pure Madness!

A company to DUMP from your portfolio! Fuck you Monsanto! Hope you go broke once the word gets out about you to everyone in the world one day! The heads of this company need to be jailed! Say NO to biological manipulation, biological warfare, chemical (chemtrail) warfare, sonic warfare, etc. Nibiru is coming in 2012; be prepared! Ron Paul for U.S. President! Great job TheRealNews!

I have two words for you Monsanto, FUCK YOU and wish your children to be fed your frenkeinstain products 24/7 and die !!!!!!!!!!!!

This story is doctored and skewed. Thanks to genetic engineering, 1996 was the lowest year for pesticide use since before World War 2. GM crop DO NOT require additional fertilizer, and RoundUP is 100 times less toxic than alcohol (look up ld50's for a 1% glyphosate solution versus ethanol). Look at the things that Roundup replaced- many of them WERE toxic (MSMA, paraquat, etc). Roundup Ready drove no-till, which cuts fuel use (carbon emissions) and conserves soil (read about soil erosion).

Monsanto is the biggest murder on the planet.
They are the real hand of the Rockafeller population control lie.
Boycott all Monsanto products.

didadida 发表评论于
BS, Rumsfeld was CEO not Monsanto company from 1977 to 1979. Monsanto bought this company in 1986. how could you connect the two together?
nutrisweet is Rumsfeld's company's product when he left that company. it was in the market before monsanto.
make sure what you say and what you know. do not let French wash your brain. Their technology is far behind american companies, includes Zeneca and Dowpont.
didadida 发表评论于
are you working for Zenaca? dowpont?
monsanto does not need to worry about what you say about its products. the corn and the sugar cane are good to make biofuel.
to the starving people, GM food is better than nothing.
will you give away your food to them?
MQL 发表评论于

喜欢喝咖啡 发表评论于

衡门之下 发表评论于
都市红尘 发表评论于
dajia007 发表评论于
嘉陵江畔 发表评论于
大家要学会保护自己。尽量远离转基因的农作物, 少喝牛奶,不喝加代糖的饮料,不吃有代糖的甜点和口香糖。
油菜心 发表评论于
嘉陵江畔 发表评论于
触目惊心! 谢谢介绍这些信息。少数的大公司和财团控制美国的政治和经济。他们有雄厚的财力去影响和左右美国政府制定政策。这就是有钱能使鬼推磨而不顾老百姓的死活。
油菜心 发表评论于
美国孟山都公司是全球最大的化工公司之一,也是全球90%转基因作物的种子技术的提供者。这部名为“孟山都公司眼中的世界”的法国纪录片由独立导演Marie-Monique Robin执导,影片为观众提供大量的信息,证明该公司长期制造危害环境、危害人身健康的转基因种子。
油菜心 发表评论于
astermatch 发表评论于
杨乃武 发表评论于