这个演奏远高于现代的演奏. 演奏家最终还是有自己的声音,体现的是自己的质地.
亚洲男演奏家继续那样, 会成为笑柄.
非常感谢, 你的posting. 赞同你的观点
One of the most beautiful Chopin piano pieces, it's so moving that is completely beyond my ability to describe. I was listening to same piece by Emil Gilels almost every day in the past few weeks and thought it was the best version I've ever listened. Well,the Neuhaus's recording you posted here is equally impressive and admirable.
Have to say that Lang Lang's play of this piece is not that bad at all comparing to the rest performers out there (the young generation). Here is the link of Lang Lang's play I watched http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aM3t8_iES24 (containing Romance)