
今天去女儿的preschool (蒙校)接她,老师说下周春节,想请我给全班30个孩子讲中国。他们今天讲了一点点,明天还要做灯笼。女儿是班里唯一的纯中国血統孩子,另有一两个混血孩子,其他都是白人。孩子们都3,4岁。请教各位,讲什么好呢?有特色又能让这么小的孩子们觉得有趣,易懂的?

cheesymonkey 发表评论于
I done it before. I brought some pan-fried dumplings.( American kids would prefer frid ones) I talked about how to celebrate Chinese New Year. Dragan dance,firecracker, Nian(second tone) monster..etc) Gave them red envelopes ( with chocolate coin, not money) . and explained the celebration of Chinese New Year lasts for 15 days, ending with Lantern Festival. I spent 20 minutes for history, legend.. after that, they were only interested in food...
englishbay 发表评论于
讲讲春节的吃食好了,南方的,北方的,春卷,饺子,八宝饭,汤圆什么的, 然后让小孩子们一起动手包包饺子
中国的良心 发表评论于