Interesting, Very Interesting Start of 2009.

I went on a trip for four days. When I came home yesterday, I have messages left by three people about real estate properties.

One of them is a owner and I have talked to him before and I tried to negotiate something out of him; but he just listed property and he wanted to try it out first. Now after several months he wants to talk to me again. But I do not have money to buy his stuff any more.

The other two are brokers. One of them I might have talked to a long time again, a year or two ago. The other one I have never talked.

This afternoon another broker who I do not know called me! He got my phone number from a website I subscribe to.

They come from different places: Washington, Utah, Texas.

It looks like 2009 starts as a desperate year. The brokers started by mass cold-calling.

They are all commercial real estate brokers dealing with multi-family properties. I will sit tight and as I outlined in my 2009 plan, I will not become serious until toward the end of the year.
