P.S.I love you, 让我很伤感,好几次泪水濡湿了沙发的靠枕。不管爱的人是因为什么原因离去,留下的人,能做的只能是move on。再难,再不甘心,也只能收起愤世嫉俗的态度,微笑地面对将来。影片做得很唯美,但是从情节到逻辑,都让人不敢赞同。只能当作是一个特殊的爱情故事来看,影片结尾有一个女人的照片,不知道这部电影是不是为了纪念某个人。也没有花功夫去做点背景研究了,因为这些都不重要了。
Can you be a friend of mine through email?
aaalbert 发表评论于
Oh I like Hilary Swank too. Freedom writer is based on a true story. Now, the teacher is not teaching any longer. She has her own web site, and probably she is seeking for a political career.
Also I like the song that made the title of the film. The guy has been the leading actor in 300 and The Phantom in The Opera. So you see he sings really well.
One more thing that I like Hilary Swank. Unlike many others, she is from a low class family, and worked all the way up by herself. Her story is just a typical American one.
当时我一个好朋友写过一篇很长的ps i love u的影评~ 我只是傻呵呵的问~ 好看吗~ 赫赫~ 她是跟我一样的bio phd~ 却怀揣有一天成为文艺片导演的梦想~~~ 虽然我觉得她做影评人更合适~ hehe ~
anyway~ 这个片子好看吗?~ 我看了点剧透~ 结果现在也只记得phoebe的三个问题~ are you working? are you single? are you gay?