2009 New Year Eve Dinner 除夕夜晚餐

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Yes, we had a White Christmas this year and snow was still coming down on New Year's Eve. Road from our home to outside world was closed. Then it is our chance to enjoy the New Year's Eve at home. Perfect!

不错, 我们今年圣诞节期间下大雪. 除夕夜还在不停地下. 大雪封山, 我们都出不去门了. 我们就在家庆祝新年好了.

好久没有用这套银器了. 几年前买的. 饭后咖啡就用它了. 说实话,一年用的次数不多. 烛台用的很多. 都是我的收藏品. 每年年初擦一次. 还好, 不太勤. 拿出来显摆一下. 别介意啊, 新年了嘛, 谁家还不吃顿饺子呀......

New Year's Eve Dinner Menu:

First course: Ceasar Salad with Homemade Croutons

Apetizer 1: Shrimp Cocktail

Apetizer 2: Bruschetta with tomato, cucumber and blue cheese

Side dish: Twice Baked Potatoes

Main Course: Grill Grass-Fed T-bone Steak

Desert: Homemade Paneton


第一道: 凯萨色拉和家做的Croutons

开胃餐 1: 鸡尾大虾

开胃餐 2: 香脆芝士面包片

配餐: 芝士烤土豆

主餐: 烤走地牛牛排.

甜点:自己做的意大利 Paneton

Here we go. The table is setup. I made these table runner and placemates long time ago. We use them instead of talbe cloth. Nice for a change. Bread and Paneton is on the table. The rest of stuff is coming.

桌子摆好了. 我自己做的桌旗 (table runner) 和 Placemate. 拿出来用用, 天天看桌布, 换换样, 有点新鲜感,  新年了嘛. 我自己做的晚餐面包和甜点摆上桌了. 酒水伺候.......

I baked my signature buttery dinner rolls in a cast iron pan. It turned out just perfect, soft and buttery. I heard so many "Wow" on the dinner table. "It doesn't need butter at all".

近看看我的经典面包. 用铸铁锅做模, 又香又松软. 餐桌上我听到有人说 "WOW......., 这绝对不用抹奶油了".

First course: Ceasar Salad with Homemade Croutons

See picture below.

第一道: 凯萨色拉. 我自己做的CROUTONS 和色拉酱


Apetizer 1: Shrimp Cocktail

开胃餐 1: 鸡尾大虾.

自己做的. 做法请看上面红字连接。 看下图. 新鲜又爽口.

Here is the Cocktail sauce and Cocktail Shrimp. I heard "Wow" again........They are so delicious.

看看里面的鸡尾调料.可别买超市的. 自己做最好了! 桌上我又听到很多"WOW".........真的好好吃.

Apetizer 2: Bruschetta with tomato, cucumber and blue cheese

I believe the Bruschetta is the same family of Crostini. It is toasted bread with delicious toppings. Often, people love them as appetizers or tapas in Spain.  See pictures below.

开胃餐 3: 香脆芝士面包片

我认为Bruschetta 和Crostini 出于同一家族。通常大家用来做开胃餐。 在西班牙它是很受欢迎的下酒菜。做法请看上面红字连接。

Here is another picture. They are crispy, tangy with creamy blue cheese. I heard 'Wow" on the table again......... They are so delicious.

香脆芝士面包片上桌了。我听到了饭桌上又传出了惊讶的声音。。。。。。。真的好好吃, 又是下酒的好菜。

Side dish: Twice Baked Potatoes

配餐: 芝士烤土豆

Bake the potatoes in the oven. Slightly cool until it is easy to handle. Cut the potatoes in half. Scoop out the stuff. Mash the potato stuff and mix with milk and 1 Tsp butter. Add shredded cheddar cheese ,sea salt and pepper to taste.  Return the stuff back to each potato.

土豆整只烤熟,切开, 挖出泥, 压碎, 拌入海盐, 胡椒粉, 牛奶, 1小勺奶油和芝士. 放回土豆壳中.

Add more cheese on the top. Bake for another 15 minutes or until they are heat thru and cheese is melted.

上面再放上芝士,放入烤箱烤15分钟, 土豆烤热, 表面芝士融化就好了.

Main Course: Grill Grass-Fed T-bone Steak

They are from the half beef we bought from local ranch.

主餐: 烤走地牛牛排.


Here is my plate.


Desert: Homemade Paneton

甜点:自己做的意大利 Paneton

This is the first day of 2009 at our home. Snow covered trees and was so pretty.


The second day of 2009, we went out for a breakfast. After that, I dragged him with me and went shopping, my favorite. Took two pictures in Downtown. I'd like to meet everyone and say "Happy New Year"! Wish you all the best in 2009!
OregonRain 发表评论于
375F. ~15 minutes. Keep your eyes open. They are ready when they are golden brown. Good luck!
红帽 发表评论于
我看了,LINK 里有配方但没有烤箱的温度,所以一直没敢下手.
OregonRain 发表评论于
请看着个link.我以前有贴. 有问题再告诉我.祝成功!
红帽 发表评论于
DINNER ROLLS看起来好漂亮,请问RECIPE?用多少度温度烤,面上有没有刷什么液? 想试一下:)
OregonRain 发表评论于
万水千山也有情 发表评论于